
Din avgränsning ger 42 träffar.

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  • 2008:30 A model for fission gas release from mixed oxide nuclear fuel

    Nuclear fuel containing mixed oxide (MOX) pellets have been used since the 1960's. MOX fuel pellets are made from a mixture of uranium and plutonium oxide. MOX allows the large quantities of fissile isotopes produced and remaining in spent nuclear fuel from light water reactors to be recycled. Producing MOX fuel can be seen as a method to more efficiently use the natural uranium since...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:15 Transparensforum om mobiltelefoni –utbyggnaden av 3:e generationensmobiltelefoni i Sverige

    Projektet Transparensforum om mobiltelefoni har haft som syfte att förbättra dialogen i samhället avseende elektromagnetiska fält, med fokus på mobiltelefoniutvecklingen (3G), samt att öka förståelsen för olika aktörers roller. Metoden i projektet har varit RISCOM-modellen för riskkommunikation som bl.a. innebär att alla frågor måste...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:10 Radiological consequences of radionuclide releases to sewage systems from hospitals in Sweden

    The report addresses radioactive discharges to sewers originating from hospitals, mainly in the form of the excretion of patients treated with radioisotopes for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Assessments of doses to the public, including sewage workers, arising from such discharges are performed. Doses are compared against the exemption level of 10 μSv/a and the dose constraint of 100...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:26 Safety Culture Enhancement Project Final Report

    At the International Conference on Safety Culture in Nuclear Installations, organized by IAEA in 2002, one concluding remark was that the regulators should encourage a sincere interest in safety culture among licensees. In line with this SKI wanted to explore a proactive path to encourage the licensees in their safety culture work. SKI also had the ambition to gain more information on the MTO...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:29 Intercomparison of Cement Solid-Solution Models

    Many concepts for the geological storage of radioactive waste incorporate cement based materials, which act to provide a chemical barrier, impede groundwater flow or provide structural integrity of the underground structures. Thus, it is important to understand the long-term behaviour of these materials when modelling scenarios for the potential release and migration of radionuclides. In the...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:30 Modelling the Interaction of Low pH Cements and Bentonite

    Concrete and cement are used in constructions as well as in conditioning of waste inrepositories for radioactive waste. It is well known that in the hyperalkaline conditions (pH > 12) of standard cement pore fluids, there is potential for deleterious effects upon the host rock and other EBS materials, notably bentonite, in geological repositories. Low pH cements are beginning to be considered...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:32 Low pH Cements

    Concrete and cement are used in constructions as well as in conditioning of waste in repositories for radioactive waste. The development of low pH cements for use in geological repositories for radioactive waste stem from concerns over the potential for deleterious effects upon the host rock and other EBS materials (notably bentonite) under the hyperalkaline conditions (pH > 12) of cement...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:06 Personalstråldoser inom vård, forskning och icke kärnteknisk industri i Sverige under 1999-2005

    Denna rapport presenterar en sammanställning av stråldoser till personal inom icke kärntekniska områden i Sverige åren 1999 - 2005. Kollektivdosen har under den här tidsperioden varierat mellan 1,2 och 1,6 manSv. Störst bidrag till kollektivdosen ger arbetstagare som arbetar med joniserande strålning inom sjukvården. De högsta medeldoserna erhålls...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:18 Marvikenreaktorn - ett industripolitiskt utvecklingsprojekt i otakt med tiden

    Den statliga Atomenergiutredningen tillsattes 1955 och publicerade sin rapport i början av 1956. Med utgångspunkt från diskussionerna inom utredningen offentliggjorde Vattenfall samtidigt planer på två reaktorprojekt Adam och Eva. Det statligt finansierade forsknings- och utvecklingsföretaget AB Atomenergi (föregångare till nuvarande Studsvik AB) presenterade...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2007:21 On tentative decommissioning cost analysis with specific authentic cost calculations with the application of the Omega code on a case linked to the Intermediate storage facility for spent fuel in Sweden

    The aim of this applied study has been to demonstrate how a cost calculation is done in a systematic way. The framework of the project has been limited to older nuclear installations in Sweden. Furthermore, it may be envisaged that the process of making regular estimates of all the parameters is crucial in preparatory phases of decommissioning and dismantling processes. A secondary aim of the...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer