Din avgränsning ger 7 träffar.
2023:14 Effect of gamma-irradiation on the redox states of the structural iron in bentonite clay
SSM perspective Background Bentonite clay is used as buffer and backfill material which form engineered barrier in the spent fuel repository. The buffer material surrounding the copper canister will be exposed to gamma and neutron radiations, especially during the first few hundred years after closure of the repository. The redox states of the structural iron in montmorillonite, the dominant...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2023:11 Study of degradation of spent fuel’s structural material and core components under long-term wet storage
SSM perspective Background Sweden is managing the spent nuclear fuel and core components from its commercial nuclear reactors with a national strategic plan. The fuel and core components are initially stored at the reactor site. After an on-site storage period to comply with transportation limits on decay heat and radiation, these materials are shipped to the Clab (Central Interim Storage...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2022:08 Geophysical surveys on sub marine land- and rock slides and on alpine glaciers
SSM perspective Background The future climate evolution and the impact it might have on a repository for radioactive waste is important when assessing the long-term safety. In a project funded by SSM (Holmlund et al. 2016), bathymetric data from the Southern Quark area between Sweden and Åland, provided by the Swedish Maritime Administration, were analysed, as well as terrestrial data from...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2015:25 Design Guide for Nuclear Civil Structures (DNB)
The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) and the Swedish licensees have previously in a jointly funded research project developed a design guide for civil structures at Swedish nuclear facilities to be based on Eurocodes, DNB. The report was published in January 2014 as SSM Report 2014:06. To further improve DNB and to ensure that the fundamentals of the recommendations will be applied...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2012:61 Geochemical Constraints on Buffer Pore Water Evolution and Implications for Erosion
Mineralogical data from the Forsmark Site show that smectite and calcite occur at all depths in Forsmark fractures, with no evidence for removal/dissolution by previous glacial episodes. This natural analogue information implies that these minerals may not have been eroded/dissolved during previous glacial episodes. Available thermodynamic data suggest that repository-depth Forsmark...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2012:11 Issues in the corrosion of copper in a Swedish high level nuclear waste repository
The objective with this research project was to increase knowledge in the area of copper corrosion in the planned repository environment and obtain information on how copper corrosion evolves during the assessment period of 100 000 years. The equilibrium chemical composition of groundwater close to the canister as a function of temperature has been calculated by use of a thermodynamics...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2011:34 Evolution of hydrogen by copper in ultrapure water without dissolved oxygen
One result from this research was that the experimental difficulties of repeating Hultqvist and co-workers work are considerable and were initially underestimated. The main challenge was to obtain satisfactory tightness of all connectors involved in the experimental set-up. The problems with leakage resulted in that the research program originally planned for in this project had to be reduced...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer
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