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  • 2008:10 International Expert Review of SR-Can: Engineered Barrier Issues

    The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) has recently submitted a license application for the construction of a spent fuel encapsulation plant. SKB plans to submit a further license application in 2009 for the construction of a repository for the disposal spent nuclear fuel. In connection with the first of these applications, SKB published a safety report, known as SR-Can,...

    Content type: Publications
  • 1997:05 SKI SITE-94

    The Swedish Industry program for deep geological disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste is now in the early stages of the site selection process, with feasibility studies underway in 5 to 10 municipalities. According to the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co., SKB (SKB RD&D Programme, 1995), the ongoing siting process involves selection of two sites for...

    Content type: Publications
  • 1990:18 Some Estimates of the Total NuclideInventory in the Year 2100 from Swedish Nuclear Power Production

    The total nuclide inventory in spent fuel from the swedish nuclear power programme has been estimated for three cases. All reactors were arrumed to operate until the year 2010 and then shut down simultaneously. All fuel used was assumed to be based on enriched natural uranium. The reactors were assumed to shut down after 25 years of commercial operation, but not later than in the year 2010.

    Content type: Publications