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  • 2013:33 Technical Note, Seismology – Frequencies and mechanisms. -Initial review phase

    The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) reviews the Swedish Nuclear Fuel Company’s (SKB) applications under the Act on Nuclear Activities (SFS 1984:3) for the construction and operation of a repository for spent nuclear fuel and for an encapsulation facility. As part of the review, SSM commissions consultants to carry out work in order to obtain information on specific issues. The...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2013:16 Technical Note, Assessment of PWR fuel depletion and of neutron multiplication factors for intact PWR fuel copper canisters – main review phase

    SKB (Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB) in 2011 applied to the Swedish government for approval of a proposed solution for disposal of used fuel from Swedish nuclear power reactors and some relatively minor quantities of other fissile material. This Technical Note contains results of a recent review of the SKB methods used to determine the influence of reactor depletion on keff of intact...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2012:67 Technical Note, Hydrogeological modelling of the Forsmark site

    A modelling study has been conducted using discrete-fracture network (DFN) models in combination with discrete-feature hydrogeological modelling methods for representation of other potentially conductive features such as the disturbed zone around repository tunnels. The principal results consist of hydraulic and transport property estimates for discrete-fracture network (DFN) models on block...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2012:65 Technical Note, Review of the Nuclear Criticality Safety of SKB’s Licensing Application for a Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository in Sweden

    The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company in 2011 applied to the Swedish government for approval of a proposed solution for disposal of used fuel from Swedish nuclear power reactors and some relatively minor quantities of other fissile material. This Technical Note contains results of a recent nuclear criticality safety review of the overall prospects of the application being able...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2012:63 Technical Note, Review of Radionuclide Sorption on Bentonite and Forsmark Bedrock Material

    Denna rapport granskar sorption-data för bentonit och berg vilka har använts i säkerhetsanalysen SR-Site. Det kan konstateras att härledningen av Kd-värden har gjorts på ett systematiskt sätt och att presentationen av resultat är uttömmande. Kontroller visar att härledning och överföring av resultat kan betraktas som spårbar. Det...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2012:62 Technical Note, Review of the MARFA Code

    As part of SSM’s Initial Review Phase of SKB’s SR-Site safety assessment of the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel at the Forsmark site, Quintessa has been requested by SSM to review SKB’s MARFA code and consider whether the technical arguments and assumptions used for developing the code are sound, appropriate and adequate to support its use in SR-Site. This Technical Note summarises the...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2012:61 Geochemical Constraints on Buffer Pore Water Evolution and Implications for Erosion

    Mineralogical data from the Forsmark Site show that smectite and calcite occur at all depths in Forsmark fractures, with no evidence for removal/dissolution by previous glacial episodes.  This natural analogue information implies that these minerals may not have been eroded/dissolved during previous glacial episodes. Available thermodynamic data suggest that repository-depth Forsmark...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2012:60 Technical Note, Handling of climate related issues in the safety assessment SR-Site

    The application is based on research carried out over several decades and is an impressive compilation of data and knowledge of the site of Forsmark. The sections on climate, glaciations and permafrost have developed continuously through the earlier compilations reported (e.g. the SR-97-reports). Much has been improved over the years while new question marks have occurred and some known...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2012:59 Technical Note, Initial review phase – Dose Assessment Methodology

    This report has been prepared as part of the Initial Review Phase of SKB’s SR-Site performance assessment of the long-term safety of the KBS-3 geological disposal facility (GDF) proposed for construction at Forsmark. The review addresses the methodology employed in the dose assessment calculations of SR-Site. In this respect the review has a natural focus upon biosphere modelling aspects of...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2012:58 Technical Note, Independent radionuclide transport modelling – Reproducing results for main scenarios

    As part of the initial technical review of SR-Site, we applied a simplified model to approximate Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) computations related to the transport of radionuclides at the planned KBS–3 repository at the Forsmark site in Sweden. The objective was to provide insights and recommendations to the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) on potential...

    Content type: Publications