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  • 2011:02 The Back-End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle in Sweden, Considerations for safeguards and data handling

    The report is a compilation report consisting of three papers. A safeguards approach for the planned encapsulation facility and the operating final repository is presented in paper 1. Special considerations concerning safeguards for the final disposal process have been discussed and incorporated into the approach. Paper 2 defines the spent fuel data that must be secured, for safeguards...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2008:18 Concerns when designing a safeguards approach for the back-end of the Swedish nuclear fuel cycle

    Sweden has for many years collected the spent nuclear fuel originating from nuclear power plants. This fuel must at all times be kept under supervision to render a diversion impossible; this is of course due to the possibility to make weapons from the material. One idea is to keep the nuclear material in a repository deep under the ground; this is not only to keep the material safe from theft...

    Content type: Publications
  • 98:35 Nuclear Fuel Assembly Assessment Project and Image Categorization

    C. S. Lindsey (1), T. Lindblad (1), K. Waldemark (1), L. Hildningsson (2). (1) Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. (2) Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, Stockholm, Sweden. July 1998 SKI English...

    Content type: Publications
  • 1995:19 Non-destructive Assay of Spent BWR Fuel with High-resolution Gamma-ray Spectroscopy

    A method, based on high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy, has been developed for verification of burnup, cooling time, power history and, to some extent, the initial enrichment of spent BWR fuel. It is shown that, provided that the power history is known and corrected for, bumup and cooling time can be verified with accuracies within 3% and 60 days, respectively, for cooling times up to about...

    Content type: Publications