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  • 2008:08 SSI:s independent consequence calculations in support of the regulatory review of the SR-Can safety assessment

    With the publication of the SR-Can report at the end of 2006, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co (SKB) have presented a complete assessment of long-term safety for a KBS-3 repository. The SR-Can project demonstrates progress in SKB’s capabilities in respect of the methodology for assessment of long-term safety in support of a licence application for a final repository. According to...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2008:10 User’s manual for Ecolego Toolbox and the Discretization Block

    The CLIMB modelling team (Catchment LInked Models of radiological effects in the Biosphere) was instituted in 2004 to provide SSI with an independent modelling capability when reviewing SKB’s assessment of long-term safety for a geological repository. Modelling in CLIMB covers all aspects of performance assessment (PA) from near-field releases to radiological consequences in the surface...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2008:09 The Generalised Ecosystem Modelling Approach in radiological assessment

    An independent modelling capability is required by SSI in order to evaluate dose assessments carried out in Sweden by, amongst others, SKB. The main focus is the evaluation of the long-term radiological safety of radioactive waste repositories for both spent fuel and low-level radioactive waste. To meet the requirement for an independent modelling tool for use in biosphere dose assessments,...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2008:07 Modelling of long term geochemical evolution and study of mechanical perturbation of bentonite buffer of a KBS-3 repository

    PART I: The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. (SKB) has recently completed a safety assessment project named SR-Can, related to the KBS-3 disposal concept. In this concept, the waste packages are surrounded by a buffer made of either MX-80 or Deponit CA-N bentonite. Interactions between the buffer and groundwater may modify the buffer composition and thus its containment...

    Content type: Publications