
Filtered generated 45 hits.

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  • 2012:10 Technical Note, Review of the Geomicrobiological Aspects of SKB’s Licence Application for a Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository in Forsmark, Sweden

    The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) reviews the Swedish Nuclear Fuel Company’s (SKB) applications under the Act on Nuclear Activities (SFS 1984:3) for the construction and operation of a repository for spent nuclear fuel and for an encapsulation facility. As part of the review, SSM commissions consultants to carry out work in order to obtain information on specific issues. The...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2012:11 Issues in the corrosion of copper in a Swedish high level nuclear waste repository

    The objective with this research project was to increase knowledge in the area of copper corrosion in the planned repository environment and obtain information on how copper corrosion evolves during the assessment period of 100 000 years.  The equilibrium chemical composition of groundwater close to the canister as a function of temperature has been calculated by use of a thermodynamics...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2012:08 Deterministic Assessment of Future Costs for Dismantling (FA)

    In this study a model for advanced deterministic cost calculation has been used to find a parametric value on the cost for dismantling of the FA-facility. The study gives good description of good practise to collect, test and utilise input data in a systematic way in order to make prudent cost estimates for any particular nuclear installation The Swedish Law stipulates that future expenses...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2012:06 Decommissioning Cost Assessment

    The future costs for dismantling, decommissioning and handling of associated radioactive waste of nuclear installations represents substantial liabilities. It is the generations that benefits from the use of nuclear installations that shall carry the financial burden. Nuclear waste programmes have occasionally encountered set-backs related to the trust from society. This has resulted in...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2012:03 The IAEA Integrated Regulatory Review Service Mission to Sweden in February 2012

    The Swedish Government decided on January 22, 2009 to mandate the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, SSM, to apply for an international review of the Author-ity and its areas of supervision, an ‘IRRS’ (Integrated Regulatory Review Service) carried out by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). On February 25, 2009, SSM made a formal request to the IAEA for an IRRS in Sweden. The time...

    Content type: Publications