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  • 2010:09 Copper Thermodynamics in the Repository Environment up to 130˚C

    The mechanisms of copper corrosion for a KBS-3 repository for spent nuclear fuel need to be known with a high level of confidence. This is because the overall rate of copper canister corrosion (accounting for corroding species concentrations, geochemical conditions and the mass transport through surrounding barriers) provides an essential performance indicator in safety assessment. A...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2010:08 Development of COLLAGE 3

    The issue of colloid-facilitated radionuclide transport (CFRT) was last addressed by the Swedish nuclear regulators (SKI at that time, now integrated into SSM) in 2001 – 2002. SKI had commissioned the Collage code with subsequent development as Collage 2. This code was employed to investigate the potential role for colloids to have been involved in the transport of radionuclides at the Nevada...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2010:07 Indicators of safety culture – selection and utilization of leading safety performance indicators

    Safety indicators play a role in providing information on organizational performance, motivating people to work on safety and increasing organizational potential for safety. The aim of this report is to provide an overview on leading safety indicators in the domain of nuclear safety. The report explains the distinction between lead and lag indicators and proposes a framework of three types of...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2010:05 Discrete-Feature Model Implementation of SDM-Site Forsmark

    SSM has been following the investigations of the two candidate sites for a repository for spent nuclear fuel that the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) have been undertaking. SKB has reported the results of the investigations as site descriptive models. These models will be used to underpin the safety analysis following the license application of the repository planned...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2010:01 Licensing of safety critical softwarefor nuclear reactors

    It is widely accepted that the assessment of software cannot be limited to verification and testing of the end product, i.e. the computer code. Other factors such as the quality of the processes and methods for specifying, designing and coding have an important impact on the implementation. Existing standards provide limited guidance on the regulatory and safety assessment of these factors.

    Content type: Publications