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  • 2022:18 Data report – sampling of sea water and marine organisms outside Ringhals NPP

    SSM perspective Background The Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) funded the collection of marine biota over an annual cycle at the Ringhals nuclear power plant (NPP) to enable development of analytical methods for C-14. Methods for the C-14 analysis and results in the form of levels of C-14 in various marine organisms have been reported by the Swedish Defense Research Institute (FOI) in FOI...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2020:15e Protective Actions in Nuclear or Radiological Emergencies - Planning Basis for Events in Emergency Preparedness Category IV

    In this report, the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) presents planning basis for protective actions in the event of nuclear or radiological emergencies in connection with activities and acts in emergency preparedness category IV. Activities and acts encompass events in activities with ionizing radiation that are not conducted in a specifically defined location as well as antagonistic...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2007:02e Radiation Environment in Sweden, summary

    The radiation environment to which the population of Sweden is exposed is dominated by medical investigations and background radiation from the ground and building materials in our houses. That is the conclusion of the first general Swedish summary of environmental monitoring data and dose calculations within the field of radiation. The report shows that people’s behaviour in the form of...

    Content type: Publications