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  • 2011:22 Infiltration of dilute groundwaters and resulting groundwater compositions at repository depth

    The planned Swedish concept for final disposal of spent nuclear fuel includes copper canisters placed in deposition holes at about 500 m depth in granitic bedrock. The copper canisters will be surrounded by bentonite buffer with the objective of inhibiting groundwater flow adjacent to the canister. It has been discovered that dilute glacial melt-water may induce erosion of the buffer material.

    Content type: Publications
  • 2011:21 Workshop on spent fuel performance and radionuclide chemistry -Rånäs 2010: Assessment of some outstanding issues

    The safety assessment for final disposal of spent nuclear fuel has to comprehensively address the stage when containment barriers have failed and when radionuclide releases occur to the surrounding groundwater at repository depth. Essential processes for estimating risk/dose related to this scenario involve the release of radionuclide from the spent fuel surfaces due to radio-lytic oxidative...

    Content type: Publications
  • 1997:05 SKI SITE-94

    The Swedish Industry program for deep geological disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste is now in the early stages of the site selection process, with feasibility studies underway in 5 to 10 municipalities. According to the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co., SKB (SKB RD&D Programme, 1995), the ongoing siting process involves selection of two sites for...

    Content type: Publications