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  • 2018:25 UO2 fuel oxidation and fission gas release

    Background The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) follows the research on fuel performance closely. One aspect that has been the main question of several research projects is the fragmentation of fuel pellets during abnormal heat up. In this project the oxidation of UO2 is scrutinized and its effect on pellet fragmentation, fission gas release and damage of fuel rods has been...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2018:24 Structural equation modelling for analysis of human and organizational factors in nuclear power plant control rooms

    SSM perspective Background During the supervisory work of the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM), a need was identified to develop the methods used when evaluating control room work in the central control rooms of nuclear power plants. Benchmarking is commonly used today, with reference values from earlier Integrated System Validation (ISV), when ISV is available. Often, ISV performs...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2018:19 Licensing of safety critical software for nuclear reactors

    Background This report is the 7th revision of the report. The task force was formed in 1994 as a group of experts on safety critical software. The members come from regulatory authorities and/or their technical support organization. The report, without the SSM cover and this page, will be published by or available at the websites of the other participating organizations. Effect on SSM...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2018:18 Procedure for Safety Assessment of Components with Defects

    Background SSM and the Swedish nuclear power plant owners have financed Kiwa Inspecta Technology in Sweden to develop a new version of the handbook for assessment of defects. This represents a major update of the former fracture mechanics handbook that was published at SSM as Research 2008:01. The procedure in the handbook is based on the British R6-method where the failure mechanisms...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2018:17 Assessment of structures subject to concrete pathologies (ASCET), phase 2

    Background ASCET is an international research project initiated by WGIAGE1 OECD2 / NEA3. WGIAGE4 Concrete subgroup is a working group within the OECD / NEA whose task is to address issues concerning the maintenance of the integrity of concrete structures, proposals for general principles to optimally handle the challenges of integrity, especially with regard to aging of concrete structures.

    Content type: Publications
  • 2018:15 Review of Geochemical Data Utilisation in SR-Site Safety Assessment

    The objective of this study is to understand how data for groundwater compositions were used in producing the Site Descriptive Model for Forsmark and as input data for the safety assessment, SRSite. Improving this understanding sheds further light on the significance of data uncertainties, data processing and interpretation on the degree of uniqueness in the descriptive model, parameterisation...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2018:08 Calculated radiological consequences of applying European clearance levels to scrap metal from the decommissioning of Swedish nuclear facilities

    Background Many practices involving radioactive substances generate materials with potential or known radioactive contamination. Clearance of materials means a decision that such materials can be released from regulatory control and used or disposed of without restrictions from a radiation protection point of view. According to regulations issued by the SSM, such decisions must be based on...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2017:36 Topical Peer Review 2017 Ageing Management Swedish National Assessment Report

    Executive summary The European Union’s Nuclear Safety Directive 2014/87/EURATOM (NSD) requires the member states to undertake topical peer reviews (TPR) every 6 years with the first starting in 2017. The member states, acting through the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG), have decided that the topic for the first topical peer review is ageing management. The Swedish Radiation...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2017:35 Review of paleo-, historical and current seismicity in Sweden and surrounding areas with implications for the seismic analysis underlying SKI report 92:3

    Abstract The report contains a review of the current state of knowledge on Swedish paleoseismic events, as well as information on the Swedish earthquake catalogue updated to early autumn 2016 and the revised Nordic earthquake catalogue (Fencat). It includes a section on the possibilities to assess spatial and temporal variations in seismicity, given the sparse early catalogues and the low...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2017:32 COMRAD – Comprehensive investigation of the performance of computed and digital radiography

    Background Within the industry, there has long been a need to replace the traditional X-ray film and its handling. These both for economic and environmental considerations. Both computed radiography and digital radiography offer many advantages over the traditional use of x-ray with film. However, the transition from film-based radiography requires in-depth knowledge of the relationship...

    Content type: Publications