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  • 2011:07 Workshop on Regulatory Review and Safety Assessment Issues in Repository Licensing

    The Swedish Radiation safety Authority (SSM) is currently developing project plans for the review of the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co’s (SKB) planned license application for a spent nuclear fuel repository in Forsmark and an encapsulation plant in Oskarshamn. In support of the development of these project plans, SSM has carried out several international workshops during 2010...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2011:03 On Decommissioning Cost for Nuclear Power Plants

    This research report summarizes what has changed over the latest 15 years concerning actual and estimated costs for the D&D of nuclear power plants that have been shut down permanently. It also reports on the availability of detailed information for actual nuclear power plant D&D cost breakdowns. The results will be one supporting document in the review of the estimates submitted for...

    Content type: Publications