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  • 1991:08 The Potential Significance of Permafrost tothe Behaviour of a Deep RadioactiveWaste Repository

    Permafrost is one of the scenarios that is being considered as part of the groundwater flow and transport modelling for the Project-90 assessment. It is included as one of the primary Features, Events and Processes (FEPs) which are being kept outside the PROCESS SYSTEM in the SKBjSKI scenario development project (Andersson at aI, 1989). There is a large amount of evidence that Sweden has...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2017:34 Human capability to cope with unexpected events är publicerad

    Background In the light of the Fukushima accident, it stood clear that the challenge of the unexpected is of great importance to both regulators and licensees. For SSM, as for many other national regulators, there was a selfevident need to learn more about the capabilities and actions of people when the unexpected arises and conditions are potentially extreme. A task group was set up within...

    Content type: Publications