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  • 1985:26 Light Resin Curing Devices -A Hazard Evaluation

    This report has been worked out in an effort to give answers to some of the questions concerning curing devices used in the odontology. Recently such questions have frequently been submitted to the Institute of Radiation Protection and have mainly dealt with hazards from an ergophthalmologic point of view. Overexposure to visible radiation may result in thermal damages in the retina, which...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2017:34 Human capability to cope with unexpected events är publicerad

    Background In the light of the Fukushima accident, it stood clear that the challenge of the unexpected is of great importance to both regulators and licensees. For SSM, as for many other national regulators, there was a selfevident need to learn more about the capabilities and actions of people when the unexpected arises and conditions are potentially extreme. A task group was set up within...

    Content type: Publications