Filtered generated 5 hits.
2013:31 Aesthetic ultrasound devices – current state of knowledge and suggested measurement set-up for characterization of exposure
This report concerns the ultrasound devices used for the aesthetic purposes of body contouring and fat reduction (ablation of adipose tissue). Such devices have recently become more frequent on the Swedish market. These ultrasound devices are currently not medically regulated in Sweden and little is known about their safety and potentially harmful exposure when using them. This report aims to...
Content type: Publications -
2013:30 Laser pointers and Eye injuries - An analysis of reported cases
The safety limits that exist for human exposure of laser radiation are essential to reduce the risk of injuries. These values, however, give very little information on what tissue damages that may be expected at various elevated exposure levels. Similarly, the Swedish Radiation Protection Authority (SSM) has very little information on how such tissue damage is related to the impairment of the...
Content type: Publications -
2013:19 Eighth report from SSM:s Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields
The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority`s (SSM) scientific council monitors the current research situation and gives the authority advice on the assessment of risks, authorization and optimization within the area. The council gives guidance when the authority shall give an opinion on policy matters when scientific testing is necessary. The council shall submit a written report on the current...
Content type: Publications -
2013:14 Approaches used for Clearance of Lands from Nuclear Facilities among Several Countries – Evaluation for Regulatory Input
SSM has recently established new regulations for clearance of materials, rooms, buildings and land (SSMFS 2011:2). The regulations specify that license holders for practices involving ionising radiation shall take measures after the cessation of the practice to achieve clearance of rooms, buildings and land. The regulations state nuclide specific clearance levels in becquerel per m2 for rooms...
Content type: Publications -
2013:06 The sixth round of implementation according to PARCOM recommendation 91/4 – Report from Sweden
According to the PARCOM Recommendation 91/4 contracting parties shall, in accordance with the guidelines annexed to this recommendation, every four years present a statement on progress made in applying best available technology (BAT) in order to minimise and, as appropriate, eliminate any pollution caused by radioactive discharges from all nuclear industries, including research reactors and...
Content type: Publications
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