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2022:18 Data report – sampling of sea water and marine organisms outside Ringhals NPP
SSM perspective Background The Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) funded the collection of marine biota over an annual cycle at the Ringhals nuclear power plant (NPP) to enable development of analytical methods for C-14. Methods for the C-14 analysis and results in the form of levels of C-14 in various marine organisms have been reported by the Swedish Defense Research Institute (FOI) in FOI...
Content type: Publications -
2020:15e Protective Actions in Nuclear or Radiological Emergencies - Planning Basis for Events in Emergency Preparedness Category IV
In this report, the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) presents planning basis for protective actions in the event of nuclear or radiological emergencies in connection with activities and acts in emergency preparedness category IV. Activities and acts encompass events in activities with ionizing radiation that are not conducted in a specifically defined location as well as antagonistic...
Content type: Publications -
2020:12 Assessment of the QT-COOL coolant channel module against the PBF RIA 1-2 experiment
SSM perspective Background The fuel rod analysis program SCANAIR has been developed by IRSN (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire) for analysis of reactivity initiated accidents (RIA) in light water reactors. The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) has access to SCANAIR in exchange for annual contributions for its further development. This ensures a possibility...
Content type: Publications -
2020:13 Core data Research at Uppsala University
SSM perspective Background This project is to support a research group at Uppsala University in the research field of nuclear data for applications. Nuclear data research is about measuring microscopic cross-sections and developing theoretical nuclear models to create evaluated nuclear data libraries. These nuclear data libraries are used in different applications such as, nuclear...
Content type: Publications -
2020:11 Competency based assessments of Nuclear Power Plant controlroom operators
Experiences of development and first operational methodological and technical demonstrator application...
Content type: Publications -
2019:09 General data in accordance with the requirements in Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty
Decommissioning of the nuclear reactor Ågesta in Sweden.
Content type: Publications -
2019:07 General data in accordance with the requirements in Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty
Decommissioning of the Barsebäck nuclear power plant in Sweden.
Content type: Publications -
2017:27e Review of Swedish emergency planning zones and distances
ESS research facility Summary On 22 October 2015, the Government of Sweden commissioned the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) to, in consultation with the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), relevant county administrative boards and the other authorities and stakeholders concerned, perform a review of emergency planning zones and emergency planning distances applying to...
Content type: Publications -
2015:20 Guide for thyroid monitoring in the event of release of radioactive iodine in a nuclear emergency
This report aims to serve as a guide in the execution of a thyroid monitoring program during the intermediate phase of response to a nuclear emergency. Calibration factors for some instruments verified in the framework of the Nordic project THY- ROID (Nyander P. 2014) are listed here as an example. For different times after the intake, we present in this guide the measured values in net count...
Content type: Publications -
2013:06 The sixth round of implementation according to PARCOM recommendation 91/4 – Report from Sweden
According to the PARCOM Recommendation 91/4 contracting parties shall, in accordance with the guidelines annexed to this recommendation, every four years present a statement on progress made in applying best available technology (BAT) in order to minimise and, as appropriate, eliminate any pollution caused by radioactive discharges from all nuclear industries, including research reactors and...
Content type: Publications