Filtered generated 3 hits.
2001:24 Evaluation of the laboratory resources of the Swedish Radiation Protection Institute. The balance between internal and external laboratory capacity
The Swedish Radiation Protection Institute (SSI) has by directive of September 4, 2000 from the Director-General initiated an evaluation of SSI’s future needs for laboratory resources regarding measurements of radiation and radioactivity. The present document is the final report by the external independent evaluation panel, as presented at SSI, 23 August 2001. The evaluation panel has made...
Content type: Publications -
2001:22 Work in Support of Biosphere Assessments for Solid Radioactive Waste Disposal. 2. Biosphere FEP List and Biosphere Modelling
In order to assist SSI in its reappraisal of the SFR safety case, QuantiSci has been appointed to develop a systematic framework within which to conduct the review of SKB’s post-closure performance assessment (PA). The biosphere FEP list presented here was developed for use as reference material in conducting the review. SSI wishes to develop an independent PA capability for a time-dependent...
Content type: Publications -
2001:21 Work in Support of Biosphere Assessments for Solid Radioactive Waste Disposal. 1. Performance Assessments, Requirements and Methodology; Criteria for Radiological Environmental Protection
The first part of this report is intended to assess how the recent Swedish regulatory developments and resulting criteria impose requirements on what should be included in a performance assessment (PA) for the SFR low and medium level waste repository and for a potential deep repository for high level waste. The second part of the report has been prepared by QuantiSci as an input to the...
Content type: Publications
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