2007:23 On Safety Management, A Frame of Reference for Studies of Safety Management with Examples From Non-Nuclear Contexts of Relevance for Nuclear Safety

The authors present the theoretical framework. There they also discuss the pros of using the system perspective to build a useful frame of reference of safety management using non- nuclear organizations; this as a way to create models useful for the nuclear power industry but based on general understanding of the concept of safety management.

The chosen organizations are used extensively to illustrate the concept of safety management. Some central themes for the analysis were organizational structure and policy, feedback systems, power-authority, competence, integrity and identified threats to safety.

The system theoretical framework has been developed and will be the subject for further development in the next phase of the research project.

In parallel with the empirical and theoretical studies the authors have participated in a Nordic network where participants from Sweden, Finland and Norway have shared their research concerning organizational safety, safety culture and safety management. This research project has been able to get valuable input from the network and also share experiences within the network.