Safety at nuclear power plants

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  • 2011:05 Overview and Evaluation of the NESC Projects for Fracture Assessments of Nuclear Components

    The Network for Evaluation of Structural Components (NESC) was started in 1993 and since then six different projects have been carried out. A seventh NESC-project is still in progress. The overall objective of these projects has been to study the reliability of the entire process of structural integrity assessment within an international framework. The network is coordinated by the European...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2011:04 Evaluation of the Technical Basis for New Proposals of Fatigue Design of Nuclear Components

    During the recent years fatigue analysis procedures for nuclear components have been investigated. The most common method so far has been the American code ASME III. The basis for the current design procedures in ASME III is quite old and has now been evaluated against modern data leading to the proposal of modified design curves. Also the effect of the environment has been the subject of...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2010:46 Development of the PRO-LOCA Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Code, MERIT Final Report

    The MERIT project has been an internationally financed program with the main purpose of developing probabilistic models for piping failure of nuclear components and to include these models in a probabilistic code named PRO-LOCA. The principal objective of the project has been to develop probabilistic models for piping failure of nuclear components and to include these models in a...

    Content type: Publications