Safety at nuclear power plants

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  • 2015:09 PROSIR - Probabilistic Structural Integrity of a PWR Reactor Pressure Vessel

    Following an OCDE round robin proposal, 16 participants from 9 countries (USA, Japan, Korea (6 participants), Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, Spain, EC and France (3 participants)) have been involved in a round robin study called PROSIR, Probabilistic Structural Integrity of a PWR Reactor Pressure Vessel. The PROSIR project started already in 2003 and a final draft version of the main report...

    Content type: Publications
  • 2015:04 DiD-PSA: Development of a Framework for Evaluation of the Defence-in-Depth with PSA

    The project declares an interpretation of the definitions of Defence in Depth given by IAEA which outline a framework to meet PSA. For each level of defence and combinations of levels, methods to give estimates from a PSA perspective are presented and discussed. One important result is the discussion of the basic definitions and the basis for defence-in-depth, as defined by IAEA, leading to...

    Content type: Publications