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2021:06 Quality Assurance Review of the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company’s LOT Experiment (Phase S2 and A3) at the Äspö Facility in Sweden
SSM perspective Background This report presents a quality assurance (QA) review of the work done by SKB to retrieve the S2 and A3 parcels from the Long term test of buffer material (the LOT experiment) at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory. Each LOT parcel comprises a heated copper tube surrounded by bentonite, with a number of copper coupons and various other test and monitoring instruments...
Content type: Publications -
2016:12 SSM’s external experts’ reviews of SKB’s safety assessment SR-PSU – engineered barriers, engineering geology and chemical inventory
Background The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) received an application for the expansion of SKB's final repository for low and intermediate level waste at Forsmark (SFR) on the 19 December 2014. SSM is tasked with the review of the application and will issue a statement to the government who will decide on the matter. An important part of the application is SKB's assessment of...
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2016:09 SSM’s external experts’ reviews of SKB’s safety assessment SR-PSU – radionuclide transport, dose assessment, and safety analysis methodology
Initial review phase SSM English...
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2016:05 Technical Note, Assessment of SKB TR-14-15 Assessment of SKB TR-14-15 “Possible influence from stray currents from high voltage DC power transmission on copper canisters”
The general objective of the present project is to provide independent review comments for one area of SKB:s post closure safety analysis, SR-Site. With this in mind, the purpose of this report is to review SKB’s presentation on possible influence from stray currents from high voltage DC power transmission on a repository for nuclear fuel. Laust B Pedersen SSM English...
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2015:52 Technical Note, Review of SKB’s creep model, its implementation into ABAQUS and an evaluation of SKB’s analyses of theevaluation of SKB’s analyses of the copper canister
Peter Segle SSM English...
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2015:49 Technical Note, Independent Modelling of Engineered Barrier Evolution and Coupled THMC: Canister Corrosion Calculations in SR-Site
Projektets syfte Projektet syftar till att granska olika beräkningsfall för korrosion av kopparkapseln som rapporterats i SKB TR-10-66 och som sammanfattas i SKB TR-11-01. Arbetet omfattar en analys av beräkningsfall relaterade till korrosionshastigheten för intakt buffert, delvis eroderad buffert och för advektiva förhållanden i bufferten. Målsättningen...
Content type: Publications -
2015:51 Technical Note, Initial State of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Sophie Grape, Carl Hellesen, Henrik Sjöstrand, Mattias Lantz, Staffan Jacobsson Svärd SSM English...
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2015:48 Technical Note, Supplementary review of SKB’s further RFI response
Bakgrund Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten (SSM) granskar Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB:s (SKB) ansökningar enligt lagen (1984:3) om kärnteknisk verksamhet om uppförande, innehav och drift av ett slutförvar för använt kärnbränsle och av en inkapslingsanläggning. Som en del i granskningen ger SSM konsulter uppdrag för att inhämta...
Content type: Publications -
2015:32 Safe and responsible management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste in Sweden - National Plan
The National Plan describes the general principles (national policies), the legislative, regulatory and organizational framework (national framework) as well as the strategies (national programme and systems) that control the safe and responsible management of spent nuclear fuel and of all types of radioactive waste in Sweden, now and in the future. Flavio Lanaro (project leader), Erica...
Content type: Publications -
2011:32 The Euratom Treaty v. Treaties of the European Union: limits of competence and interaction
Generally regulation under the Euratom Treaty could be divided into two main groups: areas explicitly regulated by the Euratom Treaty (promotion of research and dissemination of knowledge; health and safety; encouragement of investment; supplies; safeguards; the nuclear common market) and areas which are in the competence of the Euratom Community, but are not laid out in the Euratom Treaty (...
Content type: Publications