Filtered generated 194 hits.
2019:15 3D Thermo-Mechanical Coupled Modelling of Thermo-Seismic Response of a Fractured Rock Mass related to the Final Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and Nuclear Waste in Hard Rock
SSM perspective Background When assessing the long-term safety of a repository for spent nuclear fuel it is important to consider future earthquakes. Previous studies by Yoon et al. (2014, SSM Report 2014:59) and (2016, SSM Report 2016:23) investigated the fracture responses due to heat and earthquakes at major deformation zones using a 2D thermo-mechanical coupled model that uses a Particle...
Content type: Publications -
2019:12 Radiological risk assessment for the “Radon” type surface disposal facility in Chisinau, Moldova
Abstract The long-term conditions and potential radiological consequences of the legacy radioactive waste stored in the RADON-type disposal facility outside Chisinau is of concern for the central government authorities of the Republic of Moldova. A radiological risk assessment of “zero alternative scenario” for the RADON-type of near-surface disposal facility has been conducted. The objective...
Content type: Publications -
2018:21 Research on Resaturation of Bentonite Buffer
Background Resaturation processes in the bentonite buffer in a KBS-3 type repository for spent nuclear fuel are complicated and are often illustrated, analysed and modelled multi-disciplinarily as coupled thermal (T), hydrological (H) and mechanical (M) processes with multi-phase flow, elastoplastic evolution in a swelling porous medium. Previous THM-modelling showed that the re-saturation...
Content type: Publications -
2018:15 Review of Geochemical Data Utilisation in SR-Site Safety Assessment
The objective of this study is to understand how data for groundwater compositions were used in producing the Site Descriptive Model for Forsmark and as input data for the safety assessment, SRSite. Improving this understanding sheds further light on the significance of data uncertainties, data processing and interpretation on the degree of uniqueness in the descriptive model, parameterisation...
Content type: Publications -
2018:08 Calculated radiological consequences of applying European clearance levels to scrap metal from the decommissioning of Swedish nuclear facilities
Background Many practices involving radioactive substances generate materials with potential or known radioactive contamination. Clearance of materials means a decision that such materials can be released from regulatory control and used or disposed of without restrictions from a radiation protection point of view. According to regulations issued by the SSM, such decisions must be based on...
Content type: Publications -
2017:33 SSM’s external experts’ review of SKB’s safety assessment SR-PSU – dose assessment, Kd-values, and safety analysis methodology
Background The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) received an application for the expansion of SKB’s final repository for low and intermediate level waste at Forsmark (SFR) on the 19 December 2014. SSM is tasked with the review of the application and will issue a statement to the government who will decide on the matter. An important part of the application is SKB’s assessment of the...
Content type: Publications -
2017:31 SSM’s external experts’ review of SKB’s safety assessment SR-PSU – rock engineering and concrete barriers
Background The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) received an application for the expansion of SKB’s final repository for low and intermediate level waste at Forsmark (SFR) on the 19 December 2014. SSM is tasked with the review of the application and will issue a statement to the government who will decide on the matter. An important part of the application is SKB’s assessment of the...
Content type: Publications -
2017:30 SSM’s external experts’ review of SKB’s safety assessment SR-PSU – consequence analysis
Background The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) received an application for the expansion of SKB's final repository for low and intermediate level waste at Forsmark (SFR) on the 19 December 2014. SSM is tasked with the review of the application and will issue a statement to the government who will decide on the matter. An important part of the application is SKB’s assessment of...
Content type: Publications -
2017:28 SSM’s external experts’ review of SKB’s safety assessment SR-PSU - hydrogeology, geochemistry and bentonite
Background The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) received an application for the expansion of SKB's final repository for low and intermediate level waste at Forsmark (SFR) on the 19 December 2014. SSM is tasked with the review of the application and will issue a statement to the government who will decide on the matter. An important part of the application is SKB's assessment of...
Content type: Publications -
2017:18 FEM analysis of the mechanical integrity for the canister intended for storage of spent nuclear fuel with regard to copper creep ductility
Background For final storage of spent nuclear fuel it is suggested by the Swedish nuclear fuel and waste management company (SKB) to emplace the nuclear fuel into copper canisters which are surrounded by bentonite clay at approximately 500 meters’ depth into granitic rock. After emplacement of the canisters Bentonite swelling due to water saturation and hydrostatic pressure build up the...
Content type: Publications