Showing 335
2012:58 Technical Note, Independent radionuclide transport modelling – Reproducing results for main scenarios
As part of the initial technical review of SR-Site, we applied a simplified model to approximate Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) computations related to the transport of radionuclides at the planned KBS–3 repository at the Forsmark site in Sweden. The objective was to provide insights and recommendations to the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) on potential...
Content type: Publications -
2012:57 Technical Note, Shear movement of near-field rock due to large earthquakes
This technical note is part of a set of reviews for Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) by external experts to assist with the Initial Review Phase. The overall goal of the Initial Review Phase is for SSM to achieve a broad coverage of the information provided in SR-Site and its supporting references and in particular to identify where complementary information or clarifications need to...
Content type: Publications -
2012:56 Technical Note, Biosphere Dose Assessment: Review of Dose Consequence of Radionuclides in the Uranium-238 Series Decay Chain
As part of the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) initial phase review of the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) SR-Site safety assessment for a spent nuclear fuel repository in Sweden, this technical note documents Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRAÒ) review of potential effects on SKB dose calculations from radioactive elements associated with...
Content type: Publications -
2012:55 Technical Note, Review of SKB’s Radionuclide Transport Methodology
As part of SSM’s Initial Review Phase of SKB’s SR-Site safety assessment of the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel at the Forsmark site, Quintessa has been requested by SSM to consider whether SKB’s methodology to abstract FEPs (features, events, processes), as well as site information and other data, into assessment models for radionuclide transport is appropriate and sufficient for its...
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2012:54 Technical Note, Initial Review Phase for SKB´s safety assessment SR-Site: Geological structures and deformation zones, from site investigation to safety assessment
The site selected by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Management Co (SKB) for location of a deep geological repository, i.e. a storage for spent nuclear fuel at about 500 m depth in Precambrian metamorphosed rocks. The location of the site is Forsmark at the northern coast of Uppland and 122 km north of Stockholm. In geological terms Forsmark is located in the central part of the Fennoscandian...
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2012:53 Technical Note, Review of Engineering Geology and Rock Engineering aspects of the operation and closure of a KBS-3 repository at the Forsmark site – Initial Review Phase
SRK Consulting (UK) Limited (SRK) has reviewed the Engineering Geology and Rock Engineering aspects of the operation and closure of a KBS-3 repository at the Forsmark site in Sweden. The review assignment is part of a Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) Initial Review Phase. The review was carried out by David Saiang (PhD) on behalf of SRK. Therefore some of the views expressed in the...
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2012:52 Technical Note, Shear movement of near-field rock due to large earthquakes
The review assignment concentrates on the possible impact of large earthquakes on the shear deformation of large fractures in the repository volume. For this purpose a general review of some of SKB‘s top-level reports was carried out. The reports draw a generally consistent and to a considerable extend comprehensive picture of the potential impact on the repository integrity in case of the...
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2012:51 Technical Note, Rock Mechanics related to long-term repository and site evolution
In general, SKB demonstrates that they have accumulated a significant set of hydraulic, mechanical and thermal data that is essential for constructing a deep geological repository. The method of data acquisition is robust using the internationally- recognized and suggested methods. The methodology of safety assessment is firmly established by applying the state-of-the-art technology and...
Content type: Publications -
2012:49 Hydrogeological characteristics of sites for low- and intermediate-level waste disposal
The Forsmark area with its selected two sites and the Laxemar-Simpevarp area with its two sites are broadly similar in terms of lithology, rock ages, and tectonic histories. The two areas differ in terms of degree of deformation, and tectonic fabric. Some lithologic and tectonic differences are noticeable between the two sites in the Forsmark area and between the two sites in the...
Content type: Publications -
2012:48 Technical Note, Use of Solubility Limits in the SR-Site Safety Assessment
In a radioactive waste disposal environment, in some potential situations (scenarios) a disposed canister containing spent fuel may be breached and the fuel may come into contact with groundwater. The concentration of a radioactive element such as uranium may rise to a level where the solution is saturated. No more of the radioactive element may dissolve and a precipitated solid may be formed.
Content type: Publications