
Din avgränsning ger 52 träffar.

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  • 2007:02e Radiation Environment in Sweden, summary

    The radiation environment to which the population of Sweden is exposed is dominated by medical investigations and background radiation from the ground and building materials in our houses. That is the ... conclusion of the first general Swedish summary of environmental monitoring data and dose calculations within the field of radiation. The report shows that people’s behaviour in the form of their exposure...

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  • 2018:15 Review of Geochemical Data Utilisation in SR-Site Safety Assessment

    The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) ... reviews and follows associated research related to the Swedish Nuclear Fuel Company’s (SKB) work with establishing a repository for spent nuclear fuel and an encapsulation facility.

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  • 2012:11 Issues in the corrosion of copper in a Swedish high level nuclear waste repository

    The objective with this research project was to increase knowledge in the area of copper corrosion in the planned repository environment and obtain information on how copper corrosion evolves during the ... the assessment period of 100 000 years.  The equilibrium chemical composition of groundwater close to the canister as a function of temperature has been calculated by use of a thermodynamics code called...

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  • 2009:22 Alternative modelling of brittle structures in a sub-area of the SKB candidate area at Forsmark, eastern Sweden

    A reasonable understanding of the character of the bedrock hosting a deep geological repository, i.e. the natural barrier, is an important component in the safety assessment of the deep geological repository ... structures in the rock, together with the regional stress field, affect the mechanical stability of the bedrock and the ground water transport within the bedrock. The rock types, the alteration of the bedrock...

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  • 2010:09 Copper Thermodynamics in the Repository Environment up to 130˚C

    The mechanisms of copper corrosion for a KBS-3 repository for spent nuclear fuel need to be known with a high level of confidence. This is because the overall rate of copper canister corrosion (accounting ... performance indicator in safety assessment. A complicating boundary condition of the corrosion assessment is the repository thermal evolution, which is initially driven by the decay heat of the disposed spent...

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  • 2011:16 Modelling of ultrasonic testing of cracks in cladding

    decades, SSM has supported research to develop a model for the non-destructive test situation based on ultrasonic technique. Such a model is important in many ways, for example to supplement and plan experimental ... parametric studies in qualification situation. Modeling can be a useful tool when the inspection system shall be technically justified. Many functions have been added to the model UTDefect and in this step propagation...

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  • 2022:11 Kingdom of Sweden IRRS ARM Summary Report 2022

    The IAEA Integrated Regulatory Review Service Mission to Sweden in November 2022...

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  • 2008:10 User’s manual for Ecolego Toolbox and the Discretization Block

    LInked Models of radiological effects in the Biosphere) was instituted in 2004 to provide SSI with an independent modelling capability when reviewing SKB’s assessment of long-term safety for a geological ... geological repository. Modelling in CLIMB covers all aspects of performance assessment (PA) from near-field releases to radiological consequences in the surface environment. Software used to implement assessment...

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  • 2021:03 Updated radiological risk assessment for the “Radon” type surface disposal facility in Chisinau, Moldova

    Sweden and the Republic of Moldova in nuclear and radiological safety and security has been ongoing since 2010, focusing on activities aimed at strengthening the institutional capacity of the National Agency ... Agency for Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activities in Moldova (NARNRA) as well as infrastructure development in radioactive waste management, handling and treatment at the Radioactive Waste Management...

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  • 2009:30 A Review of Evidence for Corrosion of Copper by water

    repository in Sweden relies on a copper cast iron canister as the primary engineered barrier. The corrosion behaviour of copper in the expected environment needs to be thoroughly understood as a basis for ... corrosion may indeed be the primary canister degradation process during the utilised assessment period of 1 million years (this period is the longest time for which risk calculations will be needed according...

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