
Din avgränsning ger 46 träffar.

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  • 2012:61 Geochemical Constraints on Buffer Pore Water Evolution and Implications for Erosion

    Mineralogical data from the Forsmark Site show that smectite and calcite occur at all depths in Forsmark fractures, with no evidence for removal/dissolution by previous glacial episodes.  This natural analogue ... groundwaters are in equilibrium (steady-state) with montmorillonite and saponite and these minerals may control pH, PCO2, SiO2(aq) and Na/Ca in groundwaters (and any future intruding glacial meltwaters) in the near-field...

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  • 2012:03 The IAEA Integrated Regulatory Review Service Mission to Sweden in February 2012

    review of the Author-ity and its areas of supervision, an ‘IRRS’ (Integrated Regulatory Review Service) carried out by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). On February 25, 2009, SSM made a formal ... for an IRRS in Sweden. The time period for the IRRS mission was later agreed to be 6–17 February, 2012. This report summarises the project’s progress immediately prior to the IRRS mission in February 2012...

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  • 2012:34 Technical Note, Review of FEP Handling in the SR-Site Safety Assessment: Initial Review Phase

    applications for licences to construct a spent nuclear fuel encapsulation facility in Oskarshamn and a repository for final disposal of the encapsulated fuel in Forsmark.  SKB’s applications are currently ... Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, SSM, and the Land and Environmental Court in Nacka.   SSM is undertaking a phased review of the safety assessment.  Currently, an Initial Review Phase is being undertaken...

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  • 2012:24 Technical Note, Initial Review of SR-Site Main Report

    Safety Authority (SSM) is reviewing a license application, which has been submitted by Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB), for a repository for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel.  SKB’s Application ... assessment of the long-term safety of the proposed repository.  The assessment is known as SR-Site. This technical note records the findings from a project that forms part of SSM’s initial phase of the license...

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  • 2012:65 Technical Note, Review of the Nuclear Criticality Safety of SKB’s Licensing Application for a Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository in Sweden

    Management Company in 2011 applied to the Swedish government for approval of a proposed solution for disposal of used fuel from Swedish nuclear power reactors and some relatively minor quantities of other fissile ... Technical Note contains results of a recent nuclear criticality safety review of the overall prospects of the application being able to meet regulatory requirements. A number of issues have been identified...

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  • 2012:28 Technical Note, Initial review of chemical and erosional processes within the buffer and backfill – Geochemical processes

    consists of a Technical Note in SSM’s initial review phase of SKB’s safety analysis SR-Site. The aim of the initial review of issues concerning geochemical processes in buffer and backfill in a final repository ... repository is to make a broad illustration and review of SR-Site together with its subordinate references, as well as to identify potential needs for complementary information or clarification which SKB...

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  • 2012:62 Technical Note, Review of the MARFA Code

    As part of SSM’s Initial Review Phase of SKB’s SR-Site safety assessment of the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel at the Forsmark site, Quintessa has been requested by SSM to review SKB’s MARFA code ... use in SR-Site. This Technical Note summarises the findings of Quintessa’s review. The main concern raised in the review is the poor quality of the documentation associated with the MARFA code, in particular...

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  • 2012:49 Hydrogeological characteristics of sites for low- and intermediate-level waste disposal

    Forsmark area with its selected two sites and the Laxemar-Simpevarp area with its two sites are broadly similar in terms of lithology, rock ages, and tectonic histories. The two areas differ in terms of degree ... degree of deformation, and tectonic fabric. Some lithologic and tectonic differences are noticeable between the two sites in the Forsmark area and between the two sites in the Laxemar-Simpevarp area. These...

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  • 2012:60 Technical Note, Handling of climate related issues in the safety assessment SR-Site

    based on research carried out over several decades and is an impressive compilation of data and knowledge of the site of Forsmark. The sections on climate, glaciations and permafrost have developed continuously ... some remarks on the way the process is described in the proposal. It is unclear how new research findings can enter and influence the decision process. In addition the background data is difficult to find...

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  • 2012:67 Technical Note, Hydrogeological modelling of the Forsmark site

    A modelling study has been conducted using discrete-fracture network (DFN) models in combination with discrete-feature hydrogeological modelling methods for representation of other potentially conductive ... results consist of hydraulic and transport property estimates for discrete-fracture network (DFN) models on block scales of 50 m and 100 m, including blocks containing representative segments of deposition...

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