
Din avgränsning ger 95 träffar.

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  • 2020:08 Identifying radiologically important ESS-specific radionuclides and relevant detection methods

    SSM perspective Background The European Spallation Source (ESS) facility is under construction in Lund, Sweden. High-energy protons will be accelerated in a linear accelerator and generate neutrons when hitting a rotating target of tungsten. This spallation process will also generate a wide range of different radioactive by-products of which a small part will be released to the environment...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2020:04 Recent Research on EMF and Health Risk, Fourteenth report from SSM’s Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields, 2019

    SSM perspective Background The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s (SSM) Scientific Council on electromagnetic Fields monitors current research on potential health risks in relation to exposure to electromagnetic fields and provides the Authority with advice on assessing possible health risks. The Council gives guidance when the Authority must give an opinion on policy matters when...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2019:26 Analysis of trends in brain tumour incidence in Sweden

    SSM perspective Background In the past few years, a discussion has been ongoing in both the research community and the media as to whether exposure to radiowaves from the use of mobile phones has an impact on the incidence of brain tumours in the general population. Ever since the introduction of mobile phones in the 1980s, their use has increased dramatically and has now spread to almost all...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2019:21 Säkerhetsutbildningar och säkerhetskulturarbete vid forskningsanläggningar med stålningsrisker och många tillälliga internationella användare – ett fortsättningsprojekt

    Mer information SSM perspektiv Bakgrund I ett tidigare genomfört forskningsprojektet med titeln Arbetsförutsättningar och säkerhetsarbete vid forskningsanläggningar med strålningsrisker och många tillfälliga internationella användare: 2017:04 var fokus inriktat mot acceleratoranläggningarna MAX IV och European Spallation Source Eric (ESS). Projektet...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2019:10 Rapport från SSM:s vetenskapliga råd om ultraviolett strålning 2018

    SSM:s perspektiv Bakgrund Statens strålskyddsinstitut, SSI, utsåg ett vetenskapligt råd för frågor om ultraviolett strålning 2002. I rådet ingår vetenskapliga experter inom områdena onkologi, dermatologi, cancerbiologi, psykologi och meteorologi. Efter en omorganisering av arbetet kring strålsäkerhet så bildades Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten,...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2019:08 Recent Research on EMF and Health Risk, Thirteenth report from SSM’s Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields, 2018

    SSM perspective Background The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s (SSM) Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields monitors current research on potential health risks with a correlation to exposure to electromagnetic fields and provides the Authority with advice on assessing possible health risks. The Council gives guidance when the Authority must give an opinion on policy matters when...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2019:04 Dosimetry in environments surrounding a laser-plasma accelerator

    SSM perspective Background Modern laser technology makes it possible to generate ultrashort pulses with a very high peak power. At the Lund Laser Centre, a high-power laser facility in Lund, Sweden, laser pulses having a duration of approximately 30 femtoseconds are generated with a maximum peak power of up to 40 terawatts. When these pulses are focused, extreme light intensity is achieved.

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2018:22 Underlag till beredskapsplaneringen kring ESS

    Sammanfattning Nordost om Lund, i Brunnshögsområdet, byggs forskningsanläggningen European Spallation Source ERIC (ESS). När ESS tas i drift ska en linjäraccelerator leverera protoner till ett roterande strålmål av volfram, varpå neutroner produceras genom spallation. I strålmålet och i omkringliggande komponenter kommer radioaktiva ämnen...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2018:09 Recent Research on EMF and Health Risk, Twelfth report from SSM's Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields, 2017

    Background The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority's (SSM) Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields monitors current research on potential health risks with a correlation to exposure to electromagnetic fields, and provides the Authority with advice on assessing possible health risks. The Council gives guidance when the Authority must give an opinion on policy matters when scientific testing...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2018:01 Monte Carlo patient-specific pre-treatment QA system for volumetric modulated arc therapy

    Background According to the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority's Regulations in Radiotherapy (SSMFS 2008:33) are Swedish clinics required to verify the individual dose to patients, prior the first time a new treatment is given. To fulfil this requirement, current clinics perform in-vivo dosimetry in three dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3DCRT), which means that the entrance of...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer