
Din avgränsning ger 9 träffar.

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  • 2024:12 Recent Research on EMF and Health Risk

    Eighteenth report from SSM’s Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields, 2023...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2022:16 Recent Research on EMF and Health Risk

    Sixteenth report from SSM’s Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields, 2021...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2022:11 Kingdom of Sweden IRRS ARM Summary Report 2022

    The IAEA Integrated Regulatory Review Service Mission to Sweden in November 2022...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2021:08 Recent Research on EMF and Health Risk

    SSM perspective Background The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s (SSM) Scientifc Council on Electromagnetic Fields monitors current research on potential health risks in relation to exposure to electromagnetic fields and provides the authority with advice on assessing possible health risks. The Council gives guidance when the authority must give an opinion on policy matters when...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2020:04 Recent Research on EMF and Health Risk, Fourteenth report from SSM’s Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields, 2019

    SSM perspective Background The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s (SSM) Scientific Council on electromagnetic Fields monitors current research on potential health risks in relation to exposure to electromagnetic fields and provides the Authority with advice on assessing possible health risks. The Council gives guidance when the Authority must give an opinion on policy matters when...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2019:26 Analysis of trends in brain tumour incidence in Sweden

    SSM perspective Background In the past few years, a discussion has been ongoing in both the research community and the media as to whether exposure to radiowaves from the use of mobile phones has an impact on the incidence of brain tumours in the general population. Ever since the introduction of mobile phones in the 1980s, their use has increased dramatically and has now spread to almost all...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2019:08 Recent Research on EMF and Health Risk, Thirteenth report from SSM’s Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields, 2018

    SSM perspective Background The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s (SSM) Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields monitors current research on potential health risks with a correlation to exposure to electromagnetic fields and provides the Authority with advice on assessing possible health risks. The Council gives guidance when the Authority must give an opinion on policy matters when...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2018:09 Recent Research on EMF and Health Risk, Twelfth report from SSM's Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields, 2017

    Background The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority's (SSM) Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields monitors current research on potential health risks with a correlation to exposure to electromagnetic fields, and provides the Authority with advice on assessing possible health risks. The Council gives guidance when the Authority must give an opinion on policy matters when scientific testing...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2017:37 Non-Ionising Radiation in Swedish Health Care

    Bakgrund Inom sjukvården används alltmera teknik som exponerar patienter för icke-joniserande strålning vid diagnostik och terapi. Ofta används sådan teknik som ett alternativ till och ibland i kombination med metoder som exponerar för joniserande strålning. Huvudsyftet med studien var att identifiera och beskriva hur icke-joniserande strålning används...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer