
Din avgränsning ger 411 träffar.

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  • 2009:33 Workshop on spent fuel performance, radionuclide chemistry and geosphere transport parameters, Lidingö 2008: Overview and evaluation of recent SKB procedures

    The safety assessment for disposal of spent nuclear fuel canister in the Swedish bedrock should thoroughly address the time period after a containment failure. Such a failure could be expected as a result of corrosion damage or mechanical failure due to rock movement. This report mainly covers some issues connected to parameters used for radionuclide transport calculations in the areas of...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:32 On Younger Stakeholders and Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities

    An appropriate balance in this regard must be based on a proper understanding of the values and value functions of younger citizens. Such information must thus be an integral part of the knowledge base to be used when plans and processes are being developed for dismantling and decommissioning of nuclear power plants and other older nuclear facilities. In the present project, empirical data...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:31 A Review of the Decommissioning Costs of the Ranstad Site

    The main objective of this study has been to review the future cost to decommission and dismantling the industrial area at the site of the old uranium mine at Ranstad in Sweden. Analyses of some detailed comparative empirical information have been used in the context of preliminary “bench-marking” studies. The estimated costs for decommissioning of the old uranium mine in Ranstad have been...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:30 A Review of Evidence for Corrosion of Copper by water

    The planned spent nuclear fuel repository in Sweden relies on a copper cast iron canister as the primary engineered barrier. The corrosion behaviour of copper in the expected environment needs to be thoroughly understood as a basis for the post-closure safety analysis. It has been shown that corrosion may indeed be the primary canister degradation process during the utilised assessment period...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:25 APRI-6 Accident Phenomenaof Risk Importance

    Kunskap om de fenomen som kan uppträda vid svåra haverier i en kärnkraftanläggning är viktig förutsättning för att kunna förutse anläggningens beteende, för att kunna utforma rutiner och instruktioner för haverihantering, för beredskapsplaneringen samt för att få god kvalitet på haverianalyser och riskstudier. De svenska...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:27 Analysis Strategy for Fracture Assessment of Defects in Ductile Materials

    SSM has supported research for investigating the role of secondary stresses when fracture assessments are performed for cracked structures made of ductile materials. There are evidences that indicate that some secondary stresses, such as weld residual stresses, are not as important as primary stresses for estimating the safety margin against rupture (measured by the J-integral) for the type...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:26 Tillämpning av stabil spricktillväxt vid brottmekanisk bedömning av defekter i sega material

    Vid brottmekaniska analyser studeras i huvudsak haverimekanismerna sprött brott och plastisk kollaps samt kombinationen av dessa. Den styrande mekanismen bestäms av komponentens materialegenskaper, styrande belastning och defektens geometri. Proceduren enligt SKI-rapport 99:49 är idag en av de mest använda metoderna vid brottmekaniska analyser. Proceduren som baseras på...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:24 UV-radiation induced disease – roles of UVA and UVB

    There is a large uncertainty concerning the impact of UVA and UVB radiation on the skin and eye. For example, UVA radiation used to be considered low risk since it was believed that DNA damage could only be caused by UVB radiation. However, recent studies show that UVA and UVB can give rise to similar DNA damages in human skin. Because of the potentially greater exposure to UVA while using...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:22 Alternative modelling of brittle structures in a sub-area of the SKB candidate area at Forsmark, eastern Sweden

    A reasonable understanding of the character of the bedrock hosting a deep geological repository, i.e. the natural barrier, is an important component in the safety assessment of the deep geological repository for spent nuclear fuel. The structures in the rock, together with the regional stress field, affect the mechanical stability of the bedrock and the ground water transport within the...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:21 The geological history of the Baltic Sea a review of the literature and investigation tools

    The bedrock in Sweden mainly comprises Proterozoic magmatic and metamorphic rocks older than a billion or one and a half billion years with few easily distinguished testimonies for the younger history. For construction of a geological repository for deposition of nuclear waste it is important to understand the late, brittle, geological events to be able to estimate its influence and...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer