Din avgränsning ger 18 träffar.
2008:18 Concerns when designing a safeguards approach for the back-end of the Swedish nuclear fuel cycle
Sweden has for many years collected the spent nuclear fuel originating from nuclear power plants. This fuel must at all times be kept under supervision to render a diversion impossible; this is of course due to the possibility to make weapons from the material. One idea is to keep the nuclear material in a repository deep under the ground; this is not only to keep the material safe from theft...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2007:44 An Introduction to Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Safeguards
The compendium at hand will be used both within an outside Sweden as course material. It is partly a result from the work done by TKM (Training and knowledge management), which is a working group within Esarda (European Safeguards Research and Development Association) that on a yearly basis educates students from all over Europe. The intention is that the material shall be used in conjunction...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2003:19 Nuclear Waste Separation and Transmutation Research with Special Focus on Russian Transmutation Projects Sponsored by ISTC
Henri Condé, Waclaw Gudowski, Jan Blomgren, Jan-Olov Liljenzin, Nils Olsson, Curt Mileikovsky, Jan Wallenius. March 2003 SKI English...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2003:18 Making a Historical Survey of a State's Nuclear Ambitions
IAEA task ID: SWE C 01333 Impact of Historical Developments of a States National Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy on Additional Protocol Implementation Dr. Thomas Jonter. March 2003 SKI English...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2003:45 Cerenkov Characteristics of BWR Assemblies Using a Prototype DCVD With a Back-Illuminated CCD
Canadian and Swedish Safeguard Support Programs J.D. Chen, A.F. Gerwing, R. Maxwell, M. Larsson, K. Axell, L. Hildingsson, B. Lindberg, E. Sundkvist. November 2003 SKI English...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2003:47 Field Test of a DCVD Using an Ixon Camera with a Lumogen-Coat EMCCD Detector
Canadian and Swedish Safeguard Support Programs J.D. Chen A.F. Gerwing R. Maxwell M. Larsson K. Axell L. Hildingsson B. Lindberg F. Vinna SKI English...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2003:14 Commercial Satellite Data as a Support to the Additional Protocol Declarations
Stig Isaksson, Göran Dahlin, Camilla Jönsson. May 2003 SKI English...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2003:46 Cerenkov Characteristics of PWR Assemblies Using a Prototype DCVD With a Back-Illuminated CCD
Canadian and Swedish Safeguard Support Programs J.D. Chen, A.F. Gerwing, R. Maxwell, M. Larsson, K. Axell, L. Hildingsson, B. Lindberg, E. Sundkvist. November 2003 SKI English...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2002:18 Nuclear Weapons Research in Sweden. The Co-operation between Civilian and Military Research, 1947-1972
This report is also available in Swedish: 2002:19 Kärnvapenforskning i Sverige. Samarbetet mellan civil och militär forskning, 1974-1972 Dr Thomas Jonter, Uppsala University, Department of History, S:t Larsgatan 2 SKI English...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2002:25 Development of a High Sensivity Digital Cerenkov Viewing Device
Prototype Digital Cerenkov Viewing Device. Field test in Sweden J.D. Chen(1), A.F. Gerwing(1), P.D. Lewis(2), M. Larsson(3), K. Jansson(3), B. Lindberg(4), E. Sundkvist(5), M. Ohlsson(6), (1) Channel Systems Inc., 402 Ara Mooradian Way, Pinawa, Manitoba R0E 1L0, Canada, (2) Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, 280 Slater Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5S9, Canada, (3) Swedish Nuclear Power...
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