
Din avgränsning ger 109 träffar.

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  • 2001:11 Ethical Problems in Radiation Protection

    In this report the authors survey existing international radiation-protection recommendations and standards of the ICRP, the IAEA, and the ILO. After outlining previous work on the ethics of radiation protection, professional ethics, and the ethics of human radiation experiments, the authors review ethical thinking on seven key issues related to radiation protection and ethics. They formulate...

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  • 2000:18 The Swedish Radiation Protection Institute's Regulations Concerning the Final Management of Spent NuclearFuel and Nuclear Waste

    This report presents and comments on the Swedish Radiation Protection Institute's Regulations concerning the Protection of Human Health and the Environment in connection with the Final Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel or Nuclear Waste, SSI FS 1998:1. SSI English...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1999:13 Determination of the Neutron and Photon Dose Equivalent at Work Places in Nuclear Facilities of Sweden

    Various mixed neutron-photon fields at workplaccs in the containment of pressurised water reactors and in the vicinity of transport containers with spent fuel elements were investigated with spectrometers and dosimeters.The spectral neutron fluences evaluated from measurements with multisphere systems were recommended to be used for the calculation of dosimetric reference values for...

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  • 1996:08 Contamination and Radiation Exposure, Evaluation and Measures in the Nordic Countries after the Chernobyl Accident

    In the night 25/26 April1986 it all started. The radioactive releases from Chernobyl reached the Nordic countries late 27 April. At noon the following day all the world knew that an accident had occurred - two and a half days after it started. In April.l986 there was, generally speaking, quite a high level of preparedness for nuclear accidents in the Nordic countries but still, as it was...

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  • 1995:15 Determination of the Neutron and Photon Dose Equivalent at Work Places in Nuclear Facilities of Sweden

    The radiation fields in nuclear power plants consist of a mixture of photons and neutrons of various energies. A detector is usually constructed to respond to one type of radiation only and is usually useful in a limited energy range . .This is especially so for neutrons. Accurate descriptions of the radiation envirorunent are therefore very complicated to obtain. During the last decade great...

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  • 1994:08 The content and environmentalimpact from the waste depositoryin Sillamae

    The studies of the waste depository in Sillamae, Estonia, shows that the content as well as the wall material is typical tailings from chemical enrichment of uranium ore. The environmental impact from radioactive substances as well as heavy metals has been estimated. Results show the major radiological impact to the population in the Sillamae town is the exposure to radon and its daughter...

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  • 1993:11 Methods for determination of strontium -90 in food and environmental samples by Cerenkov counting

    The procedure for determination of strontuim-90 (=yttrium-90) by HDEHPextraction of yttrium-90 and counting the Cerenkov radiation in a liquid scintillation counter, is applicable for all kind of samples. Prior to analyses liquid samples are evaporated to dryness and ashed. Environmental and food samples are oven dried and ashed. The ash is dissolved in 1 molar hydrochloric acid and, at pH...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1986:12 Chernobyl - its impact on Sweden

    In case of a radiological emergency in Sweden, the Swedish National Institute of Radiation Protection (SSI) has the responsibility of organ1z1ng a special task force with experts both from SSI and from other authorities. Reports of increased radiation l evels reached SSI around 10 am on April 28, 1986, and the task force convened at 1030 am. A large number of measurements were made all over...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1985:26 Light Resin Curing Devices -A Hazard Evaluation

    This report has been worked out in an effort to give answers to some of the questions concerning curing devices used in the odontology. Recently such questions have frequently been submitted to the Institute of Radiation Protection and have mainly dealt with hazards from an ergophthalmologic point of view. Overexposure to visible radiation may result in thermal damages in the retina, which...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer