
Din avgränsning ger 468 träffar.

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  • 2008:47 Selected Models for Key Processes in a Nuclear Waste Repository

    The conceptual design of the disposal of spent nuclear fuel in Sweden is based on a multibarrier system. In the KBS-3 concept, the bentonite buffer is a barrier with the primary purpose of surrounding and protecting the canister. The bentonite buffer is expected to prevent or minimise the water exchange with the surrounding rock and protect the canister against mechanical damages caused by...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2008:23 SKI’s and SSI’s review of SKB’s safety report SR-Can

    This report summarises the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate’s (SKI) and the Swedish Radiation Protection Authority’s (SSI) joint review of the Swedish Nuclear Fuel & Waste Management Co’s (SKB) safety report SR-Can, on post-closure safety for a KBS-3 spent nuclear fuel repository at Forsmark and Laxemar respectively (SKB TR-06-09). As of 1 July 2008 the Swedish Radiation Safety...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2008:29e Safety and Radiation Protection at Swedish Nuclear Power Plants 2007

    The safety level of the plants is maintained at an acceptable level. SKI has in its regulatory supervision not found any known deficiencies in the barriers which could result in release of radioactive substances in excess of the permitted levels. SKI considers that improvements have been implemented during the year in the management, control and following up of safety work at the plants. In...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2008:38 Methodology for description and evaluation of cost profiles and cost structure during transitions period

    A demanding task for our generation is to assure the appropriate financial resources are invested in the Swedish Nuclear Waste Fund. This will enable future generations to execute the decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear power reactors and other nuclear facilities in a prudent manner. The main aim is to fulfil the demands of environmental and health codes in a pan-European context...

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  • 2008:48 SKI:s yttrande och utvärdering av SKB:s redovisning av Fud-program 2007

    Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB, SKB, har lämnat in Fud-program 2007 till SKI för granskning enligt 12 § lagen (1984:3) om kärnteknisk verksamhet (kärntekniklagen). Baserat på SKI:s granskning och inkomna remissyttranden bedömer SKI att regeringen bör besluta: - Att reaktorinnehavarna, genom Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB, har fullgjort...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2008:57 Discrete Feature Model (DFM) User Documentation

    This manual describes the DiscreteFeature Model (DFM) software package for modelling groundwater flow and solute transport in networks of discrete features. A discretefeature conceptual model represents fractures and other waterconducting features around a repository as discrete conductors surrounded by a rock matrix which is usually treated as impermeable. This approximation may be valid for...

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  • 2008:34 Utformning av larmsystem i svenska kärnkraftverk

    Det pågår flera stora moderniseringsprojekt inom den svenska kärnkraftindustrin. En del i dessa projekt består av att man helt eller delvis byter ut analoga informations- och manöversystem i kontrollrummen till digitala vilket förändrar larmsystemen. Digitala larmsystem har en mängd fördelar men kan också medföra risker och negativ säkerhetspåverkan.

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2008:49 En studie av olycksutredningsmetoders utveckling: En sammanställning över “State-of-the-Art”

    Projektets syfte var att kartlägga de huvudsakliga olycksutredningsmetoder som utvecklats sedan början av 1990-talet. Motivationen är den ökande frekvensen av olyckor som sätter sig upp mot förklaringar i enkla termer, så som orsak-verkanskedjor eller mänskliga fel. Medan komplexiteten hos sociotekniska system är stadigt ökande i alla industriella...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2008:50 Study on Developments in Accident Investigation Methods: A Survey of the “State-of-the-Art”

    The objective of this project was to survey the main accident investigation methods that have been developed since the early or mid-1990s. The motivation was the increasing frequency of accidents that defy explanations in simple terms, for instance cause-effect chains or “human error”. Whereas the complexity of socio-technical systems is steadily growing across all industrial domains,...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer