
Din avgränsning ger 23 träffar.

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  • 1986:12 Chernobyl - its impact on Sweden

    In case of a radiological emergency in Sweden, the Swedish National Institute of Radiation Protection (SSI) has the responsibility of organ1z1ng a special task force with experts both from SSI and from other authorities. Reports of increased radiation l evels reached SSI around 10 am on April 28, 1986, and the task force convened at 1030 am. A large number of measurements were made all over...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1985:26 Light Resin Curing Devices -A Hazard Evaluation

    This report has been worked out in an effort to give answers to some of the questions concerning curing devices used in the odontology. Recently such questions have frequently been submitted to the Institute of Radiation Protection and have mainly dealt with hazards from an ergophthalmologic point of view. Overexposure to visible radiation may result in thermal damages in the retina, which...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1985:08 Radioaktiva ämnen i byggnadsmaterial

    Denna rapport redovisar samtliga aktivitetsbestämningar av byggnadsmaterial som har utförts vid statens strålskyddsinstitut (SSI) under åren 1962 och 1972 1984. Proverna har undersökts med avseende på de naturligt förekommande radionukliderna 232Th, 226Ra och 40K. Dessa har jämförts med resultat från mätningar av byggnadsmaterial från...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer