
Visar 1321 sökträffar på publikationer

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  • 2012:08 Deterministic Assessment of Future Costs for Dismantling (FA)

    In this study a model for advanced deterministic cost calculation has been used to find a parametric value on the cost for dismantling of the FA-facility. The study gives good description of good practise to collect, test and utilise input data in a systematic way in order to make prudent cost estimates for any particular nuclear installation The Swedish Law stipulates that future expenses...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2012:07 Implementation of the Master Curve method in ProSACC

    Cleavage fracture toughness data display normally large amount of statistical scatter in the transition region. The cleavage toughness data in this region is specimen size-dependent, and should be treated statistically rather than deterministically. The Master Curve (MC) methodology is a procedure for mechanical testing and statistical analysis of fracture toughness of ferritic steels in the...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2012:06 Decommissioning Cost Assessment

    The future costs for dismantling, decommissioning and handling of associated radioactive waste of nuclear installations represents substantial liabilities. It is the generations that benefits from the use of nuclear installations that shall carry the financial burden. Nuclear waste programmes have occasionally encountered set-backs related to the trust from society. This has resulted in...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • Årsredovisning 2011

    SSM Svenska...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2012:04 Förslag till nationell modell för klinisk revision av strålbehandlingsverksamhet

    Denna rapport innehåller en beskrivning av en nationell modell för klinisk revision av strålbehandlingsverksamhet i Sverige och konsekvenserna av dess införande. Rapporten vänder sig främst till beslutsfattare på olika nivåer inom statsförvaltningen och landstingen: politiker, tjänstemän och verksamhetschefer. Den bidrar också med kunskap...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2012:03 The IAEA Integrated Regulatory Review Service Mission to Sweden in February 2012

    The Swedish Government decided on January 22, 2009 to mandate the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, SSM, to apply for an international review of the Author-ity and its areas of supervision, an ‘IRRS’ (Integrated Regulatory Review Service) carried out by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). On February 25, 2009, SSM made a formal request to the IAEA for an IRRS in Sweden. The time...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2012:02 Evaluation of activity build-up experiments

    This project aims to understand how the water chemistry affects the activity build-up on surfaces in different systems in Swedish nuclear power plants, which in turn provides information on conditions required to reduce the radiation exposure to power plant staff. The study was done to obtain knowledge about water chemistry conditions preferred to minimize the activity build-up. A number of...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2012:01 Kontrollrumskonstruktion – Samverkan mellan olika aktörer under konstruktion av nya och moderniserade kontrollrum

    SSM har under senare år ställt högre krav på konstruktion och utformning av kärnkrafts-anläggningarna. Detta tillsammans med kärnkraftsindustrins uppgraderingar av effekten har medfört ett stort antal anläggningsändringar. En del av dessa anläggningsändringar har påverkan på kontrollrum och manöverutrustning samt på...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2011:34 Evolution of hydrogen by copper in ultrapure water without dissolved oxygen

    One result from this research was that the experimental difficulties of repeating Hultqvist and co-workers work are considerable and were initially underestimated. The main challenge was to obtain satisfactory tightness of all connectors involved in the experimental set-up. The problems with leakage resulted in that the research program originally planned for in this project had to be reduced...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2011:33 Mathematical modelling of ultrasonic testing of components with defects close to a non-planar surface

    The report describes work that has been performed in order to model ultrasonic testing of components that contain a defect close to a non-planar surface. The studies have been performed in both 2D and 3D, and in 2D in both the anti-plane (SH) and the in-plane (P-SV). The results show that the presence of a non-planar back wall can reduce the detectability of defects close to the surface. The...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer