
Din avgränsning ger 391 träffar.

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  • 2017:19 Numerical simulations of headed anchors break in reinforced and non-reinforced concrete structures, Phase 2

    Background In the design of anchorage equipment in concrete structures the beneficial effects of reinforcement are, in most cases, not considered. The American ASCI 349-06 code opens up for a more detailed analysis where the beneficial impact of reinforcement on anchor capacity can be taken into account. How this analysis can be done is, however, not explicitly described in the code. The...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2017:18 FEM analysis of the mechanical integrity for the canister intended for storage of spent nuclear fuel with regard to copper creep ductility

    Background For final storage of spent nuclear fuel it is suggested by the Swedish nuclear fuel and waste management company (SKB) to emplace the nuclear fuel into copper canisters which are surrounded by bentonite clay at approximately 500 meters’ depth into granitic rock. After emplacement of the canisters Bentonite swelling due to water saturation and hydrostatic pressure build up the...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2017:16 Stress intensity factor solutions for circumferential cracks in cylindrical bars under axisymmetric loading and global bending

    Background The case of a circumferential crack in a cylindrical bar has not been available in the ProSACC code. The need for such a geometry, especially considering nonlinear axisymmetric loading and global bending, has motivated the development of new stress intensity factor solutions, also known as K-solutions. These new K-solutions will be available in ISAAC, the successor to ProSACC.

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2017:15 Radionuclide release rates associated with bounding cases featuring relatively early canister failures in a spent fuel repository

    Background In 2011 the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co (SKB) submitted a license application for construction of a geological repository for spent nuclear fuel according to the KBS-3 method, comprising of copper canisters, bentonite buffer, backfill and surrounding crystalline bedrock. The post-closure safety assessment of the repository, SR-Site, has been reviewed by the Swedish...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2017:14 Kriterier för klinisk revision av strålbehandling

    Bakgrund I rådets direktiv 2013/59/Euratom definieras klinisk revision som systematisk utvärdering av medicinska radiologiska förfaranden i syfte att förbättra kvaliteten och resultaten i patientvården genom strukturerad översyn, varigenom medicinska radiologiska verksamheter, förfaranden och resultat granskas mot vedertagna normer för goda medicinska...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2017:13 Monte Carlo patient-specific pre-treatment QA system for volumetric modulated arc therapy

    Background The clinical use of volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) has augmented rapidly since it became commercially available. As a result, the need for comprehensive quality assurance (QA) has increased. Current practices in Sweden normally compare the delivered dose with the planned dose based on measurements with different methods, for instance: portal dosimetry, point dose...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2017:11 Extended Common Load Model: A tool for dependent failure modelling in highly redundant structures

    Background The treatment of dependent failures is one of the most controversial subjects in reliability and risk analyses. The difficulties are specially underlined in the case of highly redundant systems, when the number of redundant components or trains exceeds four. The Common Load Model (CLM), originally defined in the 70’ies, differs from other CCF models, as it relies on a specific...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2017:10 Inverkan av ligament på spricköppning och K-faktor vid IDSCC

    Bakgrund Visuell teknik (VT) är en av de metoder som används för provning av mekaniska anordningar i kärnkraftverk. När det gäller detektering av ytbrytande sprickor så har spricköppningen, dvs bredden på sprickan vid ytan, en avgörande betydelse för metodens känslighet. Spricköppningen beror främst av spricklängd och nivån...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2017:09 Evaluation of the Swedish participation in the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research (NKS) collaboration

    Background NKS is a Nordic collaboration promoting cooperation on nuclear safety and emergency preparedness research. The research program is primarily funded by Nordic radiation safety authorities and responsible ministries. The main purpose of NKS is to finance joint Nordic activities and initiatives, including seminars and workshops, technical reports, exercises and scientific articles.

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2017:07 Dimensionering av nukleära byggnadskonstruktioner (DNB)

    Bakgrund Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten (SSM) och de svenska tillståndshavarna har tidigare i ett samfinansierat forskningsprojekt tagit fram anvisningar för dimensionering av nukleära byggnadskonstruktioner, DNB. Rapporten som är baserad på Eurokoderna publicerades som SSM rapport 2014:06. DNB har sedan dess genomgått en generell uppdatering och publicerades...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer