
Din avgränsning ger 597 träffar.

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  • 2011:20 A Guidebook for Evaluating Organizations in the Nuclear Industry – an example of safety culture evaluation

    Organizations in the nuclear industry need to maintain an overview on their vulnerabilities and strengths with respect to safety. Systematic periodical self- assessments are necessary to achieve this overview. This guidebook provides suggestions and examples to assist power companies but also external evaluators and regulators in carrying out organizational evaluations. Organizational...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2011:19 Experimental evaluation of influence from residual stresses on crack initiation and ductile crack growth at high primary loads

    Cracked components are usually subjected to loads causing both primary and secondary stresses, e.g. welding components. Engineering assessment approaches, such as the ASME XI code and the R6 procedure, are commonly used to conduct integrity assessment of such components. There has been an ongoing debate how to treat secondary stresses using engineering assessment methods. The nature of these...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2011:18 Strålsäkerhetsläget vid de svenska kärnkraftverken 2010

    Enligt Strålsäkerhetsmyndighetens (SSM:s) regleringsbrev ska myndigheten senast den 31 maj 2011 till regeringen redovisa strålsäkerhetsläget vid de svenska kärnkraftverken. Föreliggande rapport utgör denna redovisning. 100 SSM SSM Svenska...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2011:17 Structural Health Monitoring of Piping in Nuclear Power Plants – A Review of Efficiency of Existing Methods

    SSM needs to acquire knowledge about new applied Non-Destructive Engineering (NDE) techniques and their efficiency. One area that is discussed more frequently is Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). SSM needs to investigate the international experiences of SHM from the nuclear industry. SSM also wants to have more information about the capabilities and the limitations of NDE methods The first...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2010:36 Guidance for the Definition and Application of Probabilistic Safety Criteria

    Safety goals are defined in different ways in different countries and also used differently. Many countries are presently developing them in connection to the transfer to risk-informed regulation of both operating nuclear power plants (NPP) and new designs. However, it is far from self-evident how probabilistic safety criteria should be defined and used. On one hand, experience indicates that...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2010:35 Probabilistic Safety Goals for Nuclear Power Plants; Phases 2-4 / Final Report

    Safety goals are defined in different ways in different countries and also used differently. Many countries are presently developing them in connection to the transfer to risk-informed regulation of both operating nuclear power plants (NPP) and new designs. However, it is far from self-evident how probabilistic safety criteria should be defined and used. On one hand, experience indicates that...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2011:16 Modelling of ultrasonic testing of cracks in cladding

    During the last two decades, SSM has supported research to develop a model for the non-destructive test situation based on ultrasonic technique. Such a model is important in many ways, for example to supplement and plan experimental studies and to perform parametric studies in qualification situation. Modeling can be a useful tool when the inspection system shall be technically justified.

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2011:15 Beräkning av merkostnader 2011 för rivning av de svenska kärnkraftverken och omhändertagande av restprodukter

    Denna rapport beskriver SSM:s beräkningar av framtida merkostnader inför avgiftsförslaget för 2012-2014. Beräkningen görs i enlighet med finansieringslagen och avser samtliga merkostnader fram till dess att restprodukterna från de svenska kärnkraftverken är slutligt förvarade. Enligt nuvarande beräkningar antas detta ske 2069. Uppskattningen...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2011:14 Rapport från SSM:s vetenskapliga råd om ultraviolett strålning 2010

    Strålsäkerhetsmyndighetens vetenskapliga råd för UV-frågor ger myndigheten råd inom områden som rör sambandet mellan UV och biologiska effekter, vilket exempelvis har betydelse för förebyggande av hudcancer. Rådet ger också vägledning inför ställningstaganden i frågor där det krävs en vetenskaplig prövning...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2011:13 Investigation of Discrete-Fracture Network Conceptual Model Uncertainty at Forsmark

    Flow modelling using alternative assumptions regarding conceptual and parametric uncertainty in the spatial and structural relationships among fractures indicates elevated flow rates and groundwater velocities to deposition holes compared to SKB’s flow modelling results. Simulated sampling of fractures in boreholes does not indicate any reason to exclude the proposed spatial and structural...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer