
Din avgränsning ger 425 träffar.

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  • 2015:10 SafePhase: Safety culture challenges in design, construction, installation and commissioning phases of large nuclear power projects

    Different lifecycle phases of a nuclear power plant present new human-technology- organization challenges to regulators and licensees. Organizational processes and practices that have evolved in one phase of development might be dysfunctional for the next phase, and the definition of “good safety culture” in practice might be unclear. The objective of the SafePhase study is to improve the...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2015:04 DiD-PSA: Development of a Framework for Evaluation of the Defence-in-Depth with PSA

    The project declares an interpretation of the definitions of Defence in Depth given by IAEA which outline a framework to meet PSA. For each level of defence and combinations of levels, methods to give estimates from a PSA perspective are presented and discussed. One important result is the discussion of the basic definitions and the basis for defence-in-depth, as defined by IAEA, leading to...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2015:03 Brottmekaniska K-lösningar för sprickor i massiv stång med icke-linjärt rotationssymmetriskt spänningstillstånd

    Nya K-lösningar är framtagna för 0,0 ≤ a/R ≤ 1,0 och 0,0 ≤ a/b ≤ 1,0 där a är sprickdjupet, b är spricklängdsparameter och R är stångens radie. Lösningarna inkluderar utöver global membranlast och böjlast även rotationssymmetriska spänningsfält upp till och med femte ordningen. Anpassning av ett andragradspolynom utmed...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2014:56 Seismic design and analysis of safety-related nuclear structures in Sweden

    The report presents the historical development of the seismic design for the U.S., France and Sweden with special focus on issues related to severe earthquakes beyond the design basis as well as important aspects concerning the design basis ground motions for the Swedish nuclear facilities. The report provides recommendations on a revised model for seismic hazard assessments, on minimum...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2014:52 Beständiga förändringar av säkerhetskulturen

    Projektet har genomförts dels som en litteraturstudie och dels som en intervjuserie vid svenska kärnkraftverk. Litteraturstudien resulterade i en beskrivning av viktiga komponenter inom området säkerhetskultur, faktorer som anses möjliggöra eller förhindra att en god säkerhetskultur uppnås samt metoder och arbetssätt för att utveckla och förbättra...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2014:31 Degradering i betong och armering med avseende på bestrålning och korrosion

    De primära egenskaperna för betongstrukturer i ett kärnkraftverk är dess strukturella styrka och möjlighet att avskärma joniserande strålning. Skade- och belastningsbilden kan komma att påverkas av genomförda och planerade effekthöjningar samt planerade driftsförlängningar av de svenska reaktorerna. Kunskap om huruvida betongen i kärnkraftverk...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2014:28 Numerical simulation of ductile crack growth in residual stress fields

    The study has shown on the capability of the cell model in capturing the effects on ductile tearing from limited pre-load levels and a residual stress field. Some of the conclusions are as follows: No distinctive influence on the material fracture toughness is observed from pre-loading (work hardening), both tensile and compressive, at room temperature of 1.5 or 3 % total strain. The cell...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2014:27 Regulation applying to welding of pressure equipment – a comparative study

    The PED was in force in November 1999 and has been mandatory in European Union Member States since May 2002. Most of the standards referred to in the PED are relatively new although some of the standards were adopted in the early 1990s. On the other hand, the ASME B&PV Code has been used for a long time now and is the result of several decades of industrial experiences. The authors present...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2014:21 Effects of additives on uranium dioxide fuel behavior

    This report will form a basis for the reviews that SSM does when the license holders applies for use of nuclear fuel with additives. The report is also intended as a reference to the models that Quantum Technologies AB has developed. The report and the models will be a valuable source of information for SSM and other parties when discussing the performance of doped fuel. Ali Massih SSM...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2014:20 An evaluation of high-temperature creep of zirconium alloys: data versus models

    In this report Dr Massih presents correlations for creep in different phases of zirconium alloys and also presents a general solution to the difficulty of accurately describing the material properties in phase transition for several zirconium alloys. Based upon superplasticity relations, models are adapted to fit with experimental data for materials in transition regions. The creep models are...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer