
Din avgränsning ger 597 träffar.

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  • Årsredovisning 2010

    SSM Svenska...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2011:02 The Back-End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle in Sweden, Considerations for safeguards and data handling

    The report is a compilation report consisting of three papers. A safeguards approach for the planned encapsulation facility and the operating final repository is presented in paper 1. Special considerations concerning safeguards for the final disposal process have been discussed and incorporated into the approach. Paper 2 defines the spent fuel data that must be secured, for safeguards...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2011:01 Bestämning av kontamination med radium-226 i radonkalibreringsanläggningen i Malå- Beslutsunderlag inför sanering och avveckling av anläggningen

    Radonkalibreringsanläggningen i Malå är kontaminerad med radium-226 (226Ra) som har läckt ut från de ursprungliga källorna. Saneringsåtgärder utfördes 1988, men aktivitet uppskattas finnas kvar på insidan av rörsystemet och på golvet i rummet. Eftersom anläggningen ska avvecklas är det viktigt att bestämma aktivitet i rörsystemet...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2010:44 Recent Research on EMF and Health Risk Seventh annual report from SSM:s Independent Expert Group on Electromagnetic Fields, 2010

    This year has seen the publication of the long awaited Interphone study looking at brain tumour risk in mobile phone users. However, the advent of these new data does not change the overall picture being that for up to about ten years of mobile phone use associations with brain tumour risk are unlikely. This conclusion is based on the collective of studies on mobile phone use and brain tumour...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2010:47 Utveckling av programpaket för analys av termisk utmattning

    I ett tidigare NESC-projekt (Network for Evaluating Structural Components – Thermal Fatigue) togs fram en Europeisk procedur för hantering av termisk utmattning. Den tidigare myndigheten Statens kärnkraftinspektion (SKI) var en av projektets finansiärer. Proceduren innehåller bl.a. utvärdering av en modell för analys av högcykelutmattning vid turbulent termisk...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:29e Swedish national plan for the management of all radioactive waste

    The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority has been assigned by the government to develop a national plan for the management of all radioactive waste. This report was presented to the government 30 June 2009. The report has been developed in coordination with representatives from other authorities, trade and industry organizations, operators and other parties interested, forming a joint action...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2010:46 Development of the PRO-LOCA Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Code, MERIT Final Report

    The MERIT project has been an internationally financed program with the main purpose of developing probabilistic models for piping failure of nuclear components and to include these models in a probabilistic code named PRO-LOCA. The principal objective of the project has been to develop probabilistic models for piping failure of nuclear components and to include these models in a...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2010:22 Research and Development Program in Reactor Diagnostics and Monitoring with Neutron Noise Methods, Stage 16

    This report constitutes Stage 16 of a long-term research and development program concerning the development of diagnostics and monitoring methods for nuclear reactors. Results up to Stage 15 were reported in SKI and SSM reports, as listed below and in the Summary. The results have also been published in international journals and have been included in both licentiate- and doctor’s degrees.

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2010:45 Evaluation of models for cyclic plastic deformation – A literature study

    Analysis of nuclear components subjected to cyclic plastic deformation is normally based on the American standard ASME III. With the focus to improve the modeling of the stress-strain response under non-monotonic loading, several models for the analysis of cyclic plastic deformation have been developed in recent years. However, experience shows that the analysis and evaluation of plastic...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2010:43 Displacement along extensive deformation zones at the two SKB sites: Forsmark and Laxemar

    The Fennoscandian shield is distinguished by that the exposed bedrock is mainly composed of Precambrian metamorphic and igneous rocks older than a billion or one and a half billion years with few easily distinguished testimonies for the younger history. Large parts of the present ground surface closely coincides with a late Precambrian denudation surface; the sub-Cambrian peneplain.

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer