
Din avgränsning ger 391 träffar.

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  • 1999:13 Determination of the Neutron and Photon Dose Equivalent at Work Places in Nuclear Facilities of Sweden

    Various mixed neutron-photon fields at workplaccs in the containment of pressurised water reactors and in the vicinity of transport containers with spent fuel elements were investigated with spectrometers and dosimeters.The spectral neutron fluences evaluated from measurements with multisphere systems were recommended to be used for the calculation of dosimetric reference values for...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1997:40 Aging of Electrical Components in Nuclear Power Plants

    The purpose of the study reported in SKl Technical Report 93:39 was to evaluate qualification methods for application to components intended to be installed in the containment of nuclear power plants. The study included application of Arrhenius' criterion for thermal aging as well as methodologies for updating (curve-matching, ongoing qualification). This report reviews the results of...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1997:08 Storheter för strålskyddsarbete

    ICRU har definierat särskilda mätbara (opetativa) storheter föt strålskyddsarbete. En konsekvens av att de operativa storheterna används blir att handburna dosmätare och persondosmätare i samma bestrålningssituation kan ge olika mätresultat. Skillnaderna varierar och otsakas av strålfältets geometri. Mlltstorheterna har väldokumenterade...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1997:04 Magnetfält i elektriska lok

    Svenska järnvägar drivs med 15 kV 16 2/3  Hz enfas växelström. l denna rapport redovisas mätningar av magnetfält vid förarplatsen i elektriska lok. Undersökningen gjordes dels i ett äldre elektromekaniskt lok, dels i olika nyare tyristorstyrda lok. Det visade sig att magnetfälten var starkare i äldre lok än i modernare loktyper.

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1997:12 Study of International Published Experiences in Joining Copper and Copper-alloys

    This study has revealed a number of joining processes to be used when manufacturing copper-canisters for the final storage of high level nuclear waste. However, the decision on which material and which joining process to be used has to be based on the design criterions. The welding procedure has to be qualified i.e, it shall be demonstrated whether the procedure is capable of fulfilling...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1996:70 Risks from Nuclear Waste

    The first part of this review discusses the importance of risk. Man seems to have a longing for risks, like a part of the human nature. If risks are missing, they have to be invented, as needed parts in the emotional attraction of sports, amusement parks, traveling, etc.; this is the emotional part of risk. There is also a rational part of risk, in selecting such objects in ordinary life big...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 96:51 The Flooding Incident at the Ågesta Pressurized Heavy Water Nuclear Power Plant

    This report is a Master's thesis in Nuclear Reactor Engineering to be submitted to the SKi (Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate). The work has been performed at the Division of Nuclear Power Safety, KTH,Stockholm. It is an independent investigation of the consequences of the flooding incident at the Agesta HPWR, in Stockholm, Sweden, which occurred on the 1st of May 1969. The issue was raised...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 96:40 Status and Use of PSA in Sweden

    The performance and use of PSA:s in Sweden goes back about two decades. During all of this time, the field of PSA has been developing intensively, both internationally and within Sweden. The latest years have been characterised by an increased use of PSA models and results, and by major extensions of existing PSA models. The aim of this document is to describe PSA in Sweden with respect to...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1995:72 Kopparkorrosion i rent syrefritt vatten

    Kopparkorrosion i rent vatten har studerats. Undersökningen är bl a föranledd av artiklar publicerade i Corrosion Science. I dessa artiklar presenterades resultat som visar att koppar kan korrodera i rent vatten i frånvaro av löst syrgas. Koppar oxideras i stället direkt av vattnet under bildning av vätgas. Kvartsprovrör innehållande rent vatten och...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 1995:19 Non-destructive Assay of Spent BWR Fuel with High-resolution Gamma-ray Spectroscopy

    A method, based on high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy, has been developed for verification of burnup, cooling time, power history and, to some extent, the initial enrichment of spent BWR fuel. It is shown that, provided that the power history is known and corrected for, bumup and cooling time can be verified with accuracies within 3% and 60 days, respectively, for cooling times up to about...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer