
Din avgränsning ger 204 träffar.

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  • 2015:25 Design Guide for Nuclear Civil Structures (DNB)

    The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) and the Swedish licensees have previously in a jointly funded research project developed a design guide for civil structures at Swedish nuclear facilities to be based on Eurocodes, DNB. The report was published in January 2014 as SSM Report 2014:06. To further improve DNB and to ensure that the fundamentals of the recommendations will be applied...

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  • 2015:20 The effects of mild, acute hypoxia on cognitive performance

    Room air with reduced oxygen levels that prevent materials to ignite and combust is a cost-effective and increasingly popular fire prevention method. For system safety reasons, the effects of hypoxia, that is, the lack of sufficient oxygen (that is, less than 21% oxygen which is the approximate oxygen level of normal air), on cognitive performance of persons working under such conditions...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2015:07 TEM-lamella lift-out from the crack tip region of Alloy 600 for high resolution electron microscopy examination

    This report contributes to the development of a method for high-quality TEM lamella preparation from crack tip regions of nuclear materials. A standard compact tension (CT) specimen of Alloy 600 previously tested for stress corrosion crack growth in simulated PWR primary water was used to demonstrate the benefit of the proposed method. This report describes the procedure for cutting the CT...

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  • 2015:09 PROSIR - Probabilistic Structural Integrity of a PWR Reactor Pressure Vessel

    Following an OCDE round robin proposal, 16 participants from 9 countries (USA, Japan, Korea (6 participants), Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, Spain, EC and France (3 participants)) have been involved in a round robin study called PROSIR, Probabilistic Structural Integrity of a PWR Reactor Pressure Vessel. The PROSIR project started already in 2003 and a final draft version of the main report...

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  • 2015:11 Investigation of the Distribution of Phosphorus in Copper

    Two copper alloys containing different amounts of phosphorus, 6 and 80 wtppm, respectively, have been investigated. The matrix of both alloys was analysed using atom probe tomography (APT). The matrix P concentration in the 80 wtppm P mate- rial was about the same as the bulk concentration and it was therefore concluded that the majority of the P atoms resides in the matrix. Grain boundaries...

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  • 2015:10 SafePhase: Safety culture challenges in design, construction, installation and commissioning phases of large nuclear power projects

    Different lifecycle phases of a nuclear power plant present new human-technology- organization challenges to regulators and licensees. Organizational processes and practices that have evolved in one phase of development might be dysfunctional for the next phase, and the definition of “good safety culture” in practice might be unclear. The objective of the SafePhase study is to improve the...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2015:19 Recent Research on EMF and Health Risk - Tenth report from SSM’s Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields, 2015

    The objective of the report is to cover the previous year’s research in the area of electromagnetic fields (EMF). The report gives the Authority an overview and provides an important basis for risk assessment. The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s (SSM) scientific council monitors the current research situation and provides the Authority with advice on the assessment of risks,...

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  • 2015:04 DiD-PSA: Development of a Framework for Evaluation of the Defence-in-Depth with PSA

    The project declares an interpretation of the definitions of Defence in Depth given by IAEA which outline a framework to meet PSA. For each level of defence and combinations of levels, methods to give estimates from a PSA perspective are presented and discussed. One important result is the discussion of the basic definitions and the basis for defence-in-depth, as defined by IAEA, leading to...

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  • 2014:30 Modelling Approaches to C-14 in Soil-Plant Systems and in Aquatic Environments

    Substantial expertise on carbon biogeochemistry already exists in the fields of plant physiology and aquatic ecology and therefore is it beneficial to draw on this to identify the important issues. A paper describing the BIOPROTA C-14 model inter-comparisons, and plans for the forward programme was published in Radiocarbon Journal. Further studies on C-14 (including modelling, model...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2014:28 Numerical simulation of ductile crack growth in residual stress fields

    The study has shown on the capability of the cell model in capturing the effects on ductile tearing from limited pre-load levels and a residual stress field. Some of the conclusions are as follows: No distinctive influence on the material fracture toughness is observed from pre-loading (work hardening), both tensile and compressive, at room temperature of 1.5 or 3 % total strain. The cell...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer