Din avgränsning ger 153 träffar.
2014:07 Technical Note, Review of the geological mapping and geophysical measurement techniques for the determination of critical properties around deposition holes -Main Review Phase
This Technical Note reports the findings of a detailed evaluation of the geological and geophysical methods proposed by SKB with respect to their ability, resolution, performance, reliability and robustness to measure the geomechanical parameters critical for determining deposition hole acceptability during repository operation. Addressed are specific questions focusing on the detection of...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2014:05 Technical Note, Assessment of flows to deposition holes – Main Review Phase
SKB’s conceptual model for flow through the fractured rock at Forsmark is based on a division between highly fractured deformation zones (described in terms of deterministic geometry), and the more sparsely fractured rock (described in terms of statistical geometry). The model for the highly fractured deformation zones includes several assumptions that are not strongly supported by data,...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2013:36 Technical Note, Review and assessment of aspects of the Qeq concept – Main Review Phase
This technical review assignment considers the models and abstractions that Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) developed to represent transport of dissolved constituents in the near field at the Forsmark site, in particular the Qeq abstraction for diffusive transport. SKB uses the Qeq parameter to scale concentration gradients in order to estimate dissolved-species fluxes...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2013:34 Technical Note, Seismology – Post-glacial seismicity and paleoseismology at Forsmark
Metoden som SKB använder för att förutse seismisk risk för slutförvaret skiljer sig i två avseenden från gängse förfarande. För det första, förkastningsrörelser inom förvaret är beräknade utifrån numeriska bergmekaniska modeller i stället för genom en Probabilistisk riskanalys för förkastningsrörelse...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2013:35 Technical Note, Rock Mechanics – Confidence of SKB’s models for predicting the occurrence of a damage zone around the excavations – Main Review Phase
This assignment, performed at Southwest Research Institute, focusses on evaluating SKB’s assessment of potential occurrence of damaged rock zones (also referred to as excavation-damaged zone or EDZ) around underground excavations at the site. This report presents the authors’ evaluation of SKB’s assessment in the specific area based on questions raised by SSM. The evaluation includes...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2013:33 Technical Note, Seismology – Frequencies and mechanisms. -Initial review phase
The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) reviews the Swedish Nuclear Fuel Company’s (SKB) applications under the Act on Nuclear Activities (SFS 1984:3) for the construction and operation of a repository for spent nuclear fuel and for an encapsulation facility. As part of the review, SSM commissions consultants to carry out work in order to obtain information on specific issues. The...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2013:24 Modelling of nuclear fuel cladding under loss-of-coolant accident conditions
We present a unified model for calculation of zirconium alloy fuel cladding rupture during a postulated loss-of-coolant accident in light water reactors. The model treats the Zr alloy solid-to-solid phase transformation kinetics, cladding creep deformation, oxidation and rupture as a function of temperature and time in an integrated fashion during the transient. The fuel cladding material...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2013:16 Technical Note, Assessment of PWR fuel depletion and of neutron multiplication factors for intact PWR fuel copper canisters – main review phase
SKB (Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB) in 2011 applied to the Swedish government for approval of a proposed solution for disposal of used fuel from Swedish nuclear power reactors and some relatively minor quantities of other fissile material. This Technical Note contains results of a recent review of the SKB methods used to determine the influence of reactor depletion on keff of intact...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2012:67 Technical Note, Hydrogeological modelling of the Forsmark site
A modelling study has been conducted using discrete-fracture network (DFN) models in combination with discrete-feature hydrogeological modelling methods for representation of other potentially conductive features such as the disturbed zone around repository tunnels. The principal results consist of hydraulic and transport property estimates for discrete-fracture network (DFN) models on block...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2012:65 Technical Note, Review of the Nuclear Criticality Safety of SKB’s Licensing Application for a Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository in Sweden
The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company in 2011 applied to the Swedish government for approval of a proposed solution for disposal of used fuel from Swedish nuclear power reactors and some relatively minor quantities of other fissile material. This Technical Note contains results of a recent nuclear criticality safety review of the overall prospects of the application being able...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer