
Din avgränsning ger 199 träffar.

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  • 2011:12 Analysis of Barrier Performance: Modelling of Copper corrosion scenarios with and without buffer erosion

    The purpose of this project was to develop a numerical modelling capacity to address the corrosion of the copper canister under gradually changing transport conditions caused by buffer erosion and removal of buffer mass. Due to the complexity of this task, such a model cannot be realistic in all respects, but the present effort should address the feasibility of solving numerical and...

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  • 2011:11 Handling Interfaces and Time-varying Properties in Radionuclide Transport Models

    Quintessa’s QPAC code has been used to investigate the Qeq approach. The conclusions from this simulation study are the following. The basic approach to calculating Qeq values is sound, however, narrow channels could lead to the same release as larger fractures with the same pore velocity, so a channel enhancement factor of √10 should be considered. A spalling zone that increases the area of...

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  • 2011:09 Is Copper Immune to Corrosion When in Contact With Water and Aqueous Solutions?

    The KBS-3concept implies that spent nuclear fuel is placed in copper canisters surrounded by clay and finally placed approximately 500 m down from surface into granitic bedrock, in order to isolate the spent nuclear fuel from humans and environment for very long time scales (i.e. millions of years). The concept is based on the multi-barrier principle, in this respect the barriers are the...

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  • 2011:08 Workshop on Copper Corrosion and Buffer Erosion Stockholm 15-17 September 2010

    In SSM:s preparation for reviewing SKB:s license application for disposal of spent nuclear fuel, a series of technical workshops have been conducted. The main purpose of this type of workshops is to get an overall understanding of the state of knowledge on interdisciplinary issues as well as of questions in the research front by inviting several experts. Previous workshops have addressed the...

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  • 2011:07 Workshop on Regulatory Review and Safety Assessment Issues in Repository Licensing

    The Swedish Radiation safety Authority (SSM) is currently developing project plans for the review of the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co’s (SKB) planned license application for a spent nuclear fuel repository in Forsmark and an encapsulation plant in Oskarshamn. In support of the development of these project plans, SSM has carried out several international workshops during 2010...

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  • 2009:29e Swedish national plan for the management of all radioactive waste

    The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority has been assigned by the government to develop a national plan for the management of all radioactive waste. This report was presented to the government 30 June 2009. The report has been developed in coordination with representatives from other authorities, trade and industry organizations, operators and other parties interested, forming a joint action...

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  • 2010:43 Displacement along extensive deformation zones at the two SKB sites: Forsmark and Laxemar

    The Fennoscandian shield is distinguished by that the exposed bedrock is mainly composed of Precambrian metamorphic and igneous rocks older than a billion or one and a half billion years with few easily distinguished testimonies for the younger history. Large parts of the present ground surface closely coincides with a late Precambrian denudation surface; the sub-Cambrian peneplain.

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  • 2010:41 Rock-block configuration in Uppland and the Ålands-hav basin, the regional surroundings of the SKB site in Forsmark, Sea and land areas, eastern Sweden

    This report concerns a study which was initially conducted for the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI), which is now merged into the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM). The conclusions and viewpoints presented in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily coincide with those of the SSM. The topography in Uppland is more broken in the sea area east and northeast of...

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  • 2010:40 Rock-block characterization on regional to local scales for two SKB sites in Forsmark – Uppland and Laxemar – eastern Småland, south-eastern Sweden

    To get an overall impression of the general structural setting of a landscape, a remote study of bedrock structures should include studies of the geomorphology at various scales. Thematic maps improve the general understanding of an area. Digital elevation data in 500m, 50m and 10m grids were used for rock-block interpretations at regional, semi-regional and local scales of areas around the...

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  • 2010:38 The feasibility of Backfilling a Repository of Spent Fuel: An Assessment of Recent Developments by SKB

    In the Review Statement and Evaluation of SKB’s RD & D programme 2007 (SKI Report 2008:48E), the former Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI) commented that considerable work remained to be done for knowledge of both practical management issues on backfilling and analysis of long-term backfill evolution to reach the same level as for the canister and the buffer. SKI considered that the...

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