Din avgränsning ger 113 träffar.
2014:39 Technical Note, “Wormhole” and Multiple Loss of Buffer Safety Function Scenarios
This Technical Notes reviewed the issues that may cause canister corrosion other than the cases evaluated by SKB, which may belong to “What-if” canister corrosion scenarios. This Notes, in particular, addressed two potential canister corrosion scenarios: “wormhole” formation and loss of multiple buffer safety functions. The “wormhole” scenario was hypothesized during the SSM Workshop on...
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2014:38 Technical Note, Detailed assessment of radionuclide Kd-values for the geosphere-main review phase
The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) is reviewing an application submitted by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) in 2011 to construct and operate a deep geologic repository for spent nuclear fuel at the Forsmark site in the municipality of Östhammar, Sweden. SKB has presented details of its long-term safety assessment, SR-Site, in a main report (SKB,...
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2014:35 Technical Note, Modelling comparison of alternative biosphere models with LDF models and evaluation of selected parameter values used in the biosphere dose assessment - Main review phase
This report has been prepared as part of the SSM’s Main Review Phase of SKB’s SR-Site performance assessment of the long-term safety of the KBS-3 geological disposal facility (GDF) proposed for construction at Forsmark. The review addresses the methodology employed in the dose assessment calculations of SR-Site; specifically issues of transport, accumulation and transfers of radionuclides in...
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2014:34 Technical Note, Modelling Comparison of Simple Reference Biosphere Models with LDF Models – Main Review Phase
This Technical Note describes the development of simple reference biosphere models as a means of exploring the Landscape Dose Factor (LDF) approach adopted by SKB in the SR-Site safety assessment for the proposed final disposal of spent nuclear fuel at the Forsmark site. The models are developed and described in a systematic manner, based on international guidance reflected in the...
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2014:33 Technical Note, Reproduction of SKB’s Canister Failure Calculations - What-If and ‘Residual’ Scenario to Illustrate Barrier Functions
The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) included analysis of a range of scenarios in its SR-Site report. SKB grouped these scenarios into two categories—main and residual. The main scenario included a likely scenario (corrosion failure) and a less probable scenario (seismicity-induced shear failure). The residual scenario included two unlikely scenarios—isostatic-load...
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2014:32 Technical Note, Assessment of the derivation and use of distribution coefficients and concentration ratios – Main Review Phase
This report presents a review of the approaches and databases which SKB have used to derive concentration ratios (CRs) and distribution coefficients (Kds) to consider if they are robustly derived and fit for purpose. Credible alternative approaches are also considered. The focus of this review are SKB reports R-10-28 and TR-10-07 which describe the available site specific data and the...
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2014:29 Technical Note, Independent Modelling of Radionuclide Transport, Evaluation of Colloid Transport Modelling – Main Review Phase
SKB excludes consideration of colloids originating inside the canister in its performance assessment on the basis of the filtration capability of the buffer material. In the canister failure by corrosion scenario (central corrosion case), the buffer material is assumed eroded, and the filtration argument is not entirely valid for excluding modelling in-canister colloids. In this Technical...
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2014:24 Technical Note, Workshop on biosphere issues
The objective of this workshop was to bring together experts in the field of radionuclide transport in the biosphere including non-human biota and dose assessment to discuss the findings of the detailed reviews performed during the main review phase and to identify any further biosphere review issues. This report describes the outcome of the workshop organized by SSM on Biosphere Issues that...
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2014:23 Technical Note, Workshop on Rock Mechanics Issues and their Implications for Groundwater Flow – Main Review Phase
This report describes the outcome of the workshop organized by SSM on Rock Mechanics and Hydrogeology that was held in Stockholm on the 30/9 and 1/10, 2013. The report summarizes the issues discussed and extracts the essential viewpoints that have been expressed. It should not be considered as a comprehensive record of all the discussions at the workshop and individual statements made by...
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2014:22 Technical Note, Workshop on seismic hazard at Forsmark
This report describes the outcome of the workshop organized by SSM on seismic hazard at Forsmark that was held in Stockholm on the 4 and 5 of June, 2013. The report summarizes the issues discussed and extracts the essential viewpoints that have been expressed. It should not be considered as a comprehensive record of all the discussions at the workshop and individual statements made by...
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