
Din avgränsning ger 724 träffar.

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  • 2013:29 Regulatory Approaches in Nuclear Power Supervision

    The objective of this follow-up study was to support SSM in further understanding regulatory approaches and how they can be combined as part of effective strategies. The survey was intended to assist SSM in identifying current standards, experiences, and practices in the regulation of nuclear power plants. The results will also be valuable for the participating authorities as well as other...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2013:28 Brine intrusion by upconing for a high-level nuclear waste repository at Forsmark. Scoping calculations

    The objective of this study is to evaluate the possibility of salt-water migration to the spent nuclear repository. This objective is motivated by the adverse impacts of water with too high salinity entering the repository and by the uncertainty of the relevant hydraulic and hydrogeochemical conditions at the Forsmark site at great depths. To analyse density dependent flow and salt transport...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2013:27 Numerical simulations of headed anchors break in reinforced and non-reinforced concrete structures

    The design codes for anchorage of equipment in concrete structures have been developed since the time the Swedish power plants were designed. Furthermore, the design basis has been updated and in some cases new mechanical loads have been added. As a consequence, it can be difficult for some anchorages to meet the requirements of today. In the design of anchorage equipment the beneficial effect...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2013:24 Modelling of nuclear fuel cladding under loss-of-coolant accident conditions

    We present a unified model for calculation of zirconium alloy fuel cladding rupture during a postulated loss-of-coolant accident in light water reactors. The model treats the Zr alloy solid-to-solid phase transformation kinetics, cladding creep deformation, oxidation and rupture as a function of temperature and time in an integrated fashion during the transient. The fuel cladding material...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2012:23e Integrated assessment of radiation safety in health and medical services

    The county councils do not meet the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s requirements in terms of radiation safety. This implies that their health and medical services have deficiencies in this area that could lead to serious consequences for patients and staff, a conclusion based on the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s compilation of information from the nine county councils that...

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  • 2013:20 Terrestrial Biosphere Modelling of C-14 Research

    The need to address radiological impacts from 14C released to the biosphere has been recognized for some time. However, because of its role in biological processes and its ecological cycling, the standard methods employed to model long-term radionuclide transport and accumulation in the biosphere cannot be used satisfactorily for 14C. In 2011, the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM)...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2013:19 Eighth report from SSM:s Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields

    The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority`s (SSM) scientific council monitors the current research situation and gives the authority advice on the assessment of risks, authorization and optimization within the area. The council gives guidance when the authority shall give an opinion on policy matters when scientific testing is necessary. The council shall submit a written report on the current...

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  • 2013:16 Technical Note, Assessment of PWR fuel depletion and of neutron multiplication factors for intact PWR fuel copper canisters – main review phase

    SKB (Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB) in 2011 applied to the Swedish government for approval of a proposed solution for disposal of used fuel from Swedish nuclear power reactors and some relatively minor quantities of other fissile material. This Technical Note contains results of a recent review of the SKB methods used to determine the influence of reactor depletion on keff of intact...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2013:14 Approaches used for Clearance of Lands from Nuclear Facilities among Several Countries – Evaluation for Regulatory Input

    SSM has recently established new regulations for clearance of materials, rooms, buildings and land (SSMFS 2011:2). The regulations specify that license holders for practices involving ionising radiation shall take measures after the cessation of the practice to achieve clearance of rooms, buildings and land. The regulations state nuclide specific clearance levels in becquerel per m2 for rooms...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2013:13 Review of Dismantling Costs - Nuclear Installations

    In this study three reviews of cost assessments for some smaller nuclear installations are presented for which nuclear waste liabilities shall be accrued according to the Financing Act (Lag (2006:647) om finasiella åtgärder för hanteringen av restprodukter från kärnteknisk verksamhet). It is expected that these reviews will contribute to develop premium quality assessments...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer