
Din avgränsning ger 253 träffar.

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  • 2008:50 Study on Developments in Accident Investigation Methods: A Survey of the “State-of-the-Art”

    The objective of this project was to survey the main accident investigation methods that have been developed since the early or mid-1990s. The motivation was the increasing frequency of accidents that defy explanations in simple terms, for instance cause-effect chains or “human error”. Whereas the complexity of socio-technical systems is steadily growing across all industrial domains,...

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  • SKI Report 2008:01 Reliability Data for piping Components in Nordic Nuclear Poer Plants "R-Book" Project Phase 1

    SKI Report 2008:01 - “Reliability Data for Piping Components in Nordic Nuclear Power Plants - R-Book Project Phase I” – is a planning document for a new R&D project to develop a piping component reliability parameter handbook for use in probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) and related activities. Included in this handbook will be pipe leak failure rates and rupture frequencies that are...

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  • 2008:06 Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique in Ultrasonic Inspection of Coarse Grained Materials

    Experience from the ultrasonic inspection of nuclear power plants has shown that large focused transducers are relatively effective in suppressing grain (structure) noise. Operation of a large focused transducer can be thought of as an integration (coherent summation) of individual beams reflected from the target and received by individual points at the transducer surface. Synthetic aperture...

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  • 2008:30 A model for fission gas release from mixed oxide nuclear fuel

    Nuclear fuel containing mixed oxide (MOX) pellets have been used since the 1960's. MOX fuel pellets are made from a mixture of uranium and plutonium oxide. MOX allows the large quantities of fissile isotopes produced and remaining in spent nuclear fuel from light water reactors to be recycled. Producing MOX fuel can be seen as a method to more efficiently use the natural uranium since...

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  • 2007:43 ProLBB - A Probabilistic Approach to LeakBefore Break Demonstration

    The SKI regulation SKIFS 2004:2 allows for the use of Leak Before Break (LBB) as one way to provide assurance that adequate protection exists against the local dynamic consequences of a pipe break. The way to demonstrate that LBB prevails relies on a deterministic procedure for which a leakage crack is postulated in certain sections of the pipe based on the leak detection capability of the...

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  • 2007:26 Safety Culture Enhancement Project Final Report

    At the International Conference on Safety Culture in Nuclear Installations, organized by IAEA in 2002, one concluding remark was that the regulators should encourage a sincere interest in safety culture among licensees. In line with this SKI wanted to explore a proactive path to encourage the licensees in their safety culture work. SKI also had the ambition to gain more information on the MTO...

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  • 2007:31e Safety and Radiation Protection at Swedish Nuclear Power Plants 2006

    Safety related problems in the electric systems of the Forsmark 1 reactor were the dominant event in Swedish nuclear power plants in 2006. The incident has had a significant impact on our attitude towards the reliability of how safety systems function both in Sweden and abroad. In connection with SKI’s review of the incident it was found that the company’s management system was not...

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  • 2007:39 Influence of Crack Morphology on Leak Before Break Margins

    The SKI regulation SKIFS 2004:2 allows for the use of Leak Before Break (LBB) as one way to provide assurance that adequate protection exists against the local dynamic consequences of a pipe break. The way to demonstrate that LBB prevails relies on a deterministic procedure for which a leakage crack is postulated in certain sections of the pipe based on the leak detection capability of the...

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  • 2007:06 Probabilistic Safety Goals - Phase 1 -Status and Experiences in Sweden and Finland

    Based on a series of interviews and on literature reviews as well as on a limited interna- tional over-view, the project has described the history and current status of safety goals in Sweden and Finland. A number of issues were discussed more in detail, including the status of the safety goals in view of the fact that they are often exceeded, strategies for handling violations of safety...

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  • 2007:14 Review of experimental data for modelling LWR fuel cladding behaviour under loss of coolant accident conditions

    This project has contributed to the research goal of giving a basis for SKIs supervision by means of evaluating experimental data and modelling the nuclear fuel cladding during a design base accident. The project has also contributed to the research goal to develop the competence about licensing of fuel at high burnup, which is an important safety issue. The results are useful as such, but...

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