
Din avgränsning ger 279 träffar.

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  • 2010:30 INSITE Summary Report

    SSM and its predecessor SKI employed a team of earth scientists who followed and reviewed SKB’s investigations of the potential spent nuclear fuel repository sites at Forsmark and Laxemar. This group was named INSITE (INdependent Site Investigation Tracking and Evaluation) and began its work in 2002 and completed its task with the review of the final versions SKB’s site descriptive models,...

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  • 2010:28 GEMA3D – landscape modelling for dose assessments

    Post-closure safety assessments for nuclear waste repositories involve radioecological modelling for an underground source term. Following several decades of research and development, the Swedish Nuclear Waste Management Company (SKB) is approaching a phase of license application. According to SKB’s plans, an application to construct a geological repository will be submitted by the end of...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2010:24 On Cost Estimate for Decommissioning of one Isotope Central

    The present generation has the responsibility to ensure and guarantee that sufficient financial resources are accrued into the Swedish Nuclear Waste Fund to cover all future costs. Thus, the next generation, as well as any succeeding generations, will have the financial resources required in order to undertake the necessary measures, in an appropriate manner, for the decommissioning and...

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  • 2010:25 Modelling Coupled Processes in the Evolution of Repository Engineered Barrier Systems using QPAC-EBS

    Currently in Sweden, the SR-Site safety assessment for a spent nuclear fuel repository is being developed by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB). The planned SSM review of this work requires access to a sufficient modelling capability to assess the combined performance of the engineered barriers (spent fuel canister, buffer and backfill) and the natural geosphere...

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  • 2010:23 On Decommissioning Costs of the Ranstad Site

    A demanding task for the present generation is to assure that appropriate financial resources are injected into the Swedish Nuclear Waste Fund. It will thereby be possible for coming generations to undertake efficient measures in the decommissioning and dismantling of older nuclear facilities. To undertake such measures in the context of Swedish as well as European environmental and health...

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  • 2010:21 Childhood leukaemia around nuclear facilities

    The first indication of a possible relationship between living close to a nuclear installation and the risk of childhood leukaemia came from the United Kingdom in 1983. A cluster of childhood leukaemia in the town of Seascale which is located close to Sellafield was reported in a TV documen-tary. Since then almost 200 studies have been carried out in order to investi-gate the occurrence of...

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  • 2010:18 Radionuclide Transport: Preparation During 2009 for the SR-Site Review

    Post-closure safety assessments for nuclear waste repositories involve radioecological modelling for an underground source term. Following several decades of research and development, the Swedish Nuclear Waste Management Company (SKB) is approaching a phase of license application. According to SKB’s plans, an application to construct a geological repository will be submitted by the end of...

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  • 2010:17 Quality Assurance Review of SKB’s Copper Corrosion Experiments

    SKB is preparing a license application for the construction of a final repository for spent nuclear fuel in Sweden. This application will be supported by the safety assessment SR-Site for the post-closure phase. The assessment of long-term safety is based on a broad range of experimental results from laboratory scale, intermediate scale and up to full scale experiments. It is essential that...

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  • 2010:16 Guidance to Risk-Informed Evaluation of Technical Specifications using PSA

    No guidance documents for risk-informed analysis and assessment of changes in Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCO:s) in TS (Technical Specifications) have been available in the Nordic countries. In the U.S. several guidance documents, primarily developed by the owners groups for PWRs and BWRs, exist. Guidance for analysis of TS changes in this report generally follows the U.S. Regulatory...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2010:12 An Evaluation of Models of Bentonite Pore Water Evolution

    The pore-water composition of a KBS-3 bentonite buffer may gradually change as a result of reaction between groundwater and buffer minerals. The rather minor occurrences of the most rapidly reacting minerals in the buffer will have the most immediate and observable influences, but contributions from slow reactions of the main bulk clay phases cannot be ruled out. The performance implication...

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