Din avgränsning ger 9 träffar.
00:33 Evaluation of Colloid Transport Issues and Recommendations for SKI Performance Assessment
S. M. Wickham, D. G. Bennett, J. J. W. Higgo SKI English...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
00:20 A Review of Literature from the First International Conference on Friction Stir Welding
W. H. Bowyer SKI English...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
00:19 A Study of Defects which Might Arise in the Copper Steel Canister
W. H. Bowyer SKI English...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
00:41 Deep Repository for Long-lived Low- and Intermediate-level Waste in Sweden (SFL 3-5): An International Peer Review of SKB's Preliminary Safety Assessment
Neil Chapman, Michael Apted, Fred Glasser, John Kessler, Clifford Voss SKI English...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
00:47 Opinions on SKB's Safety Assessments SR 97 and SFL 3-5
SKI English...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
00:04 Expert Judgement in Performance Assessment
Roger D. Wilmot, Daniel A. Galson SKI English...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
00:21 Defect Which Might Occur in the Copper-Iron Canister Classified According to their Likely Effect on Canister Integrity
W. H. Bowyer SKI English...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
00:13 A study of Criticality in a Spent Fuel Repository Based on Current Canister Designs
Timothy Hicks, Anthony Prescott SKI English...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
00:18 Evaluation of the Thermal Effect in a KBS-3 Type Repository
A Literary Survey...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer
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