Din avgränsning ger 51 träffar.
2012:47 C-14 Long-Term Dose Assessment: Data Review, Scenario Development, and Model Comparison
BIOPROTA is an international collaboration forum which seeks to provide a transparent and traceable basis for the choices of parameter values, as well as for the wider interpretation of information used in assessments. Particular emphasis is placed on data required for the assessment of long-lived radionuclide migration and accumulation in the biosphere, and the associated radiological...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2012:46 Technical Note, Review of Landscape Models used in SR-Site
As part of SSM’s Initial Review phase of SKB’s SR-Site safety assessment for the proposed final disposal of spent nuclear fuel at the Forsmark site, Quintessa was given the assignment to consider whether the landscape models and supporting data utilised by SKB are appropriate and fit for purpose. This Technical Note summarises the findings of Quintessa’s review. SKB’s approach to the...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2012:45 Beräkning av merkostnader 2012 för avveckling och rivning av de svenska kärnkraftverken och omhändertagande av restprodukter
I föreliggande rapport presenteras Strålsäkerhetsmyndighetens beräkningar av statens förväntade framtida kostnader, de så kallade merkostnaderna. Beräkningen görs i enlighet med lagen (2006:647) om finansiella åtgärder för hanteringen av restprodukter från kärnteknisk verksamhet (finansieringslagen) och avser de förväntade...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2012:44 Technical Note, Review of Matrix Diffusion and related properties of intact rock in SKB’s Licence Application for a Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository in Forsmark, Sweden
This report summarizes a review of SKB’s theoretical development of matrix diffusion, its associated processes and parameters, and the data supporting calculations of matrix diffusion. In addition to diffusion, this review covers matrix porosity, the formation factor, matrix diffusivity, penetration depth, and measurement of some of these parameters with electrical methods. Sorption...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2012:43 Technical Note, Literature review of groundwater flow in permafrost
The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) assigned the task of compiling the state of the knowledge with respect to groundwater flow in permafrost conditions. In particular, the study was to consider whether (i) the main processes related to groundwater flow in permafrost were understood, (ii) appropriate field data was available, and (iii) current models appropriately represent the...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2012:42 Technical Note, Initial review of physical properties and processes of the buffer and backfill – Installation and initial state
The technical note briefly summarises the proposed designs and functions of the buffer and backfill, and examines SKB’s progress in manufacturing, installing and testing its proposed solutions. In brief, the review suggests that there are some procedural and practical engineering aspects (e.g., quality assurance procedures, backfilling rates) and several physical processes to do with...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2012:41 Technical Note, Hydrogeological conditions at the Forsmark site
The hydrogeological site description and groundwater models employed in support of SR-Site, in many ways, represent advances in the state of the art for crystalline bedrock where groundwater moves mainly through fractures. Advanced methods are used for representing water-conducting natural features on scales from kilometres down to a meter, as well as excavated portions of the repository...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2012:39 Technical Note, Review of Engineering Geology and Rock Engineering aspects of the construction of a KBS-3 repository at the Forsmark site – Initial Review Phase
In general, the reviewers find that the level of geomechanics data collected and synthesized to date has been impressive in scope and high in quality. The data collected has been incorporated into interlinked analyses concerning construction and operational performance of the repository. There are a number of uncertainties in the data and subsequent analyses that are unavoidable when dealing...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2012:38 Technical Note, Radiological effects on non-human biota - initial review
The focus of this review was SKB’s assessment of radiological effects on non-human biota in SR-Site according to present regulations and guidance from SSM and it was conducted by Karolina Stark at the Department of Systems Ecology, Stockholm University. In short, the results from this review show that the completeness of the safety assessment can be questioned regarding considered...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2012:37 Technical Note, Selective review of the hydrogeological aspects of SR-Site
This review of the hydrogeology is selective. It focuses on the measurement, interpretation and modelling of the potential repository host rock, that is the rock domain FFM01<-400m. It accepts as reasonably accurate the measurement and representation of the more transmissive parts of the hydrogeological system, particularly the near-surface 150m in the form presented by SKB. ...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer
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