Din avgränsning ger 6 träffar.
2021:19 Importance Sampling Time-Domain Random Walk (ISTIDRAW) Version 1.0 User Guide A Code for Radionuclide Transport in Pathway Networks
SSM perspective Background To support regulatory review of post-closure safety assessments of geological disposal systems it is of importance to possess regulatory independent modelling capacity. Typically, SSM’s independent modelling includes performing simple scoping calculations, utilizing the implementer’s own models with other equation solvers, or defining alternative conceptual...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2021:15 Nationell Plan: Ansvarsfull och säker hantering av använt kärnbränsle och radioaktivt avfall i Sverige
Förord Enligt förordningen (2008:452) med instruktion för Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten har myndigheten i uppdrag att se till att det finns en aktuell nationell plan för hanteringen av kärnämne som inte är avsett att användas på nytt, kärnavfall och annat radioaktivt avfall. Planen ska innehålla den redovisning som är nödvändig...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2021:14 Reliability, Feasibility and Significance of Measurements of Conductivity and Transmissivity of the Rock Mass for the Understanding of the Evolution of a Repository of Radioactive Waste
SSM perspective Background The conducted research was part of the international research project DECOVALEX 2019 (DEvelopment of COupled models and their VALidation against EXperiments). DECOVALEX 2019 consisted of seven different research projects called Task A to G. SSM were involved in Task G, which were composed of three different teams from Technical University of Liberec (TUL),...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2021:13 SSM’s external experts’ review of SKB’s safety evaluation SE-SFL
SSM perspective Background In Sweden long-lived low- and intermediate level radioactive waste is planned to be disposed in a repository (SFL) in the Swedish crystalline rock at a depth around 500 m. The waste contains mainly the long-lived wastes from the operation and decommissioning of the Swedish nuclear reactor plants, as well as the long-lived wastes from early research in the Swedish...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2021:06 Quality Assurance Review of the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company’s LOT Experiment (Phase S2 and A3) at the Äspö Facility in Sweden
SSM perspective Background This report presents a quality assurance (QA) review of the work done by SKB to retrieve the S2 and A3 parcels from the Long term test of buffer material (the LOT experiment) at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory. Each LOT parcel comprises a heated copper tube surrounded by bentonite, with a number of copper coupons and various other test and monitoring instruments...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2021:03 Updated radiological risk assessment for the “Radon” type surface disposal facility in Chisinau, Moldova
SSM perspective Background Bilateral cooperation between Sweden and the Republic of Moldova in nuclear and radiological safety and security has been ongoing since 2010, focusing on activities aimed at strengthening the institutional capacity of the National Agency for Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activities in Moldova (NARNRA) as well as infrastructure development in radioactive...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer
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