Din avgränsning ger 8 träffar.
2023:15 Numerisk analys av restspänningar i bandpåsvetsad plätering i svenska reaktortryckkärl
Strålsäkerhetsmyndighetens perspektiv Bakgrund Reaktortryckkärl tillverkas vanligtvis av låglegerade ferritiska stål som på insidan beläggs med ett eller flera lager av rostfritt stål, så kallad plätering eller på engelska cladding. Den rostfria pläteringen påverkar den strukturella integriteten på flera sätt, dels har...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2023:14 Effect of gamma-irradiation on the redox states of the structural iron in bentonite clay
SSM perspective Background Bentonite clay is used as buffer and backfill material which form engineered barrier in the spent fuel repository. The buffer material surrounding the copper canister will be exposed to gamma and neutron radiations, especially during the first few hundred years after closure of the repository. The redox states of the structural iron in montmorillonite, the dominant...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2023:13 TPR 2023 Fire Protection Swedish National Assessment Report
Executive Summary The European Union’s Nuclear Safety Directive 2014/87/EURATOM (NSD) requires the member states to undertake topical peer reviews (TPR) every 6 years. The first topical peer review concerned Ageing management and started in 2017. The member states, acting through the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG), decided that the topic for the second topical peer review...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2023:11 Study of degradation of spent fuel’s structural material and core components under long-term wet storage
SSM perspective Background Sweden is managing the spent nuclear fuel and core components from its commercial nuclear reactors with a national strategic plan. The fuel and core components are initially stored at the reactor site. After an on-site storage period to comply with transportation limits on decay heat and radiation, these materials are shipped to the Clab (Central Interim Storage...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2023:10 General data in accordance with the requirements in Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty
Oskarshamn Very Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility, MLA3, Sweden...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2023:07 General data in accordance with the requirements in Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty
Increased storage of spent nuclear fuel at Clab in Sweden...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2023:06 Instabila matrisdefekter i bestrålat reaktortankstål med höga nickel- och manganhalter
Strålsäkerhetsmyndighetens perspektiv Bakgrund Reaktortankstål påverkas av neutronbestrålning så att omslagstemperaturen, omslag från sprött till segt brott, ökar och att segheten i det sega området minskar med ökad grad av bestrålning. För att kunna prediktera framtida försprödningsgrader har så kallade trendkurvor...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer -
2023:04 Kingdom of Sweden ARTEMIS Self-assessment Report 2023
Foreword In January 2018, the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, SSM, submitted a request to the IAEA on behalf of the Swedish Government for international peer reviews to be conducted of the Swedish national frameworks for nuclear safety regulation (IRRS) and the safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste (ARTEMIS). In dialogue with the IAEA, and in support of the then Swedish...
Innehållstyp: Publikationer
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