
Din avgränsning ger 391 träffar.

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  • 2009:19 Review of SKB’s Quality Assurance Programme

    SKB is preparing a license application for the construction of a final repository for spent nuclear fuel in Sweden. This application will be supported by the safety assessment SR-Site for the post-closure phase. The assessment of long-term safety is based on a broad range of experimental results from laboratory scale, intermediate scale and up to full scale experiments. It is essential that...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:17 Effect of Welding Residual Stresses on Crack Opening Displacement and Crack-Tip Parameters

    Weld residual stresses have a large influence on the behavior of cracks growing under normal operation loads and on the leakage-flow from a through-wall crack. Accurate prediction of these events is important in order to arrive at proper conclusions when assessing detected flaws, for inspection planning and for assessment of leak-before-break margins. The fracture mechanical treatment of weld...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:16 Influence of Hardening Model on Weld Residual Stress Distribution

    Weld residual stresses have a large influence on the behavior of cracks growing under normal operation loads and on the leakage-flow from a through-wall crack. Accurate prediction of these events is important in order to arrive at proper conclusions when assessing detected flaws, for inspection planning and for assessment of leak-before-break margins. Therefore, it is very important to have...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:15 Improvement and Validation of Weld Residual Stress Modelling Procedure

    Weld residual stresses have a large influence on the behavior of cracks growing under normal operation loads and on the leakage-flow from a through-wall crack. Accurate prediction of these events is important in order to arrive at proper conclusions when assessing detected flaws, for inspection planning and for assessment of leak-before-break margins. Therefore, it is very important to have...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:14 Review of Legislation and Regulatory Framework in Ukraine with Regard to Environmental Radiation Monitoring

    This report was written in the frames of the development cooperation project in Ukraine entitled “Environmental Radiation Monitoring”. This report concerns a study which has been conducted for the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, SSM. The conclusions and viewpoints presented in the report are those of the author/authors and do not necessarily coincide with those of the SSM. In 2006, the...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:12 Evaluating safety-critical organizations – emphasis on the nuclear industry

    The regulator identified a few years ago a need for a better understanding of and a deeper knowledge on methods for evaluating safety critical organisations. There is a need for solid assessment methods in the process of management of organisational changes as well as in continuously performed assessment of organisations such as nuclear power plants. A considerable body of literature exists...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:10 Regleringen av matarvattenflödet i en BWR. Med exempel från Forsmark 2

    Säkerheten i kärntekniska anläggningar ska upprätthållas genom att radiologiska olyckor förebyggs. I reaktorer sker detta genom att det finns flerfaldiga barriärer och ett så kallat djupförsvar. I djupförsvaret ingår att åtgärder vidtas för att tillförsäkra lugn och störningsfri drift utan transienter som kan...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:09 Analysis of three sets of SWIW tracer test data using a two-population complex fracture model for matrix diffusion and sorption

    For the non-sorbing tracer uranine, both the finite and the semi-infinite populations play a distinct role in controlling BTC. For the sorbing tracers Cs and Rb the finite population does not saturate, but acts essentially semi-infinite, thus the BTC behaviour is comparable to that obtained for a model containing only a semi-infinite rock matrix. The ability to match BTC for both sorbing and...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer
  • 2009:06 Bonussystem och dess inverkan på säkerheten: en intervjubaserad pilotstudie vid de svenska kärnkraftverken

    Pilotstudien åsyftade att kartlägga och analysera hur de bonussystem som tillämpas vid de svenska kärnkraftverken påverkar säkerhetsrelaterat beteende och de risker som här kan finnas. För att skapa en tolkningsram granskades belöningars relevans i ljuset av dels ett brett spektrum av teorier om motivation, dels empiri rörande belöningars...

    Innehållstyp: Publikationer